New to this!

Hello! Today is the day I've realized my eating habits MUST change. Not just for me, but for my daughter. I am 9 months post baby and after gaining 60lbs during my pregnancy and delivering a gorgeous 9.3lb baby girl (Caesarian) this baby weight needs to go. I plan to be extremely active on this app. I'd love to meet others who are ready to start or are on their journey to a healthy lifestyle. Motivation has always been key for me. Feel free to add me and I can't wait to see what we can all accomplish together. (:


  • msearslive
    msearslive Posts: 6 Member
    Fantastic for you!! Seeing others wanting to do better for their health is awesome!

    Eating habits are MORE than half the battle to mounting a healthy weight and keeping the unwanted pounds off. Exercise is great, obviously. But CONGRATULATIONS to you for committing to eating healthier!

    Any thoughts on daily exercise? Put the little one in the stroller and go for a fast-paced walk (or even jog if you're ready to tackle it)! Cardio, cardio, cardio! The higher your heart rate (generally speaking) the more your metabolism will be slicing away at calories to shred through any unwanted pounds you're aiming to lose!

    Best wishes in your journey! ONE DAY AT A TIME!!