Help finding an accountability partner?

Hey everyone, I'd really like to meet someone my age with similar interests and wanting to lose about the same amount of weight. I know myfitnesspal is full of awesome people who are extremely supportive and I think you all are awesome for it. But unfortunately this an online community only and Id really like to meet someone in person..

Can you offer any advice for finding people around me who are also trying to lose weight? Are there any apps or places you can reccomend that I use to find someone? If you had an accountability partner for your weight loss journey, how did you find them?

I am 21 years old, 5'1, 130 lbs looking to lose 15.


  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    I would say your best bet is to ask some IRL.... Maybe you know a friend or a family member that is trying to lose weight or get in shape??? I go to the gym with a coworker ~2x a week, and then do my own thing the rest of the week... It'll be like 1 in a million to find somebody you can meet IRL on here(maybe not, but I haven't found anyone super local to me).

    Anyways, if you exercise you can look into local running groups in your area, find a race you may be interested in, and go to their training programs, ask your local gym/sports store if they know of any training groups/whatever where you may be able to find an accountability partner that is in your age group!

    The main thing is, is just get out there and do it! If you want it bad enough, you'll have to push yourself! What if your partner gives up? Will you give up? Just focus on what you want, because nobody is going to push yourself except for you!