4 months Post Partum

Any other baby mamas out there trying to get fit and healthy? I was lucky, only gaining 28 lbs during pregnancy but I was also 20 lbs more than what I wanted to be when I got pregnant... Having a little bit of a hard time trying to get back into the swing of things (I have a baaaad coffee addiction and I love myself some chocolate...) Life is always busy and I know that's just an excuse. Wondering if there are other mamas out there that feel the struggle?? I'm in Vancouver, Canada :)


  • TylaGagnon
    TylaGagnon Posts: 27 Member
    Totally with ya!! After three kids I have a bit extra to loose, I too am addicted to coffee and chocolate and have little time. I homeschool, run my small business from my home and try to make it to the gym 5 times a week at least, but I've found a few ways of making things easier with my food at least :) add me so we can support each other :)
  • TylaGagnon
    TylaGagnon Posts: 27 Member
    It won't let me add you for some reason : /
  • bmarie1920981
    bmarie1920981 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh yeah, 2 months pp and I wasn't small before I got pregnant lol and I completely agree on the coffee addiction
  • tazzamac
    tazzamac Posts: 10 Member
    Meeee!!! I'm also 4 months post party and have two under two! (4 months and 19 months!) I often find it hard to just have a shower everyday let alone get any exercise in. I'm trying to get back to my healthy eating and to organise a routine that allows me a bit of activity each day.
    Would love to have more friends to keep me accountable. Add me if you like. I'm in Brisbane Australia
  • KingaKapas
    KingaKapas Posts: 5 Member
    @tazzamac 2 under 2?! WOW! That definitely is a struggle!!
    @TylaGagnon Sounds like you definitely have your hands full!! Managing all of that, good for you mama!!!

    I find that with juggling everything, at the end of the day I'm glad if I squeeze in any "me" time (which is usually just enough to go to the bathroom and maybe check emails
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    I'm 7 months pp after the arrival of my twin girls, also have a son who turned 2 at the weekend :) Struggling to fit in exercise...mostly consists of walks with the girls or very slow walks with wee man :D Could do with some motivation...I started at 158 lbs 3 weeks ago...now at 148...my concern is I hit a plateau through lack of exercise.
    I'm in the UK <3
  • Mommamaddy
    Mommamaddy Posts: 26 Member
    I am 8 months out from baby number 2 and struggling with 40 pounds!!! Tired of it and it must go!!!
  • KingaKapas
    KingaKapas Posts: 5 Member
    Have any of you tried the Nike Training app? It's free and you can create 4 week workout programs. I just downloaded it and think I'm going to give it a try... Maybe while baby is napping?

    Walks are great! I've been doing hikes with baby strapped on during the weekends with my fiancé. Did a LOT of stairs yesterday, so definitely feeling the burn
  • tazzamac
    tazzamac Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE the Nike training app! I was using it a lot before I fell pregnant with my first, and have just started getting back into it, doing 30 minute workouts when the toddler is asleep!
  • nicole3dorsey
    nicole3dorsey Posts: 21 Member
    I love coffee as well .. I have replaced it with lots and lots of water... It will take about a week to feel perky without it