Question about phentermine and other weight loss pills

First let me preface this by saying I don't use any type of diet pill and do not ever plan on using them. I keep seeing people on here saying they lost x amount of weight in x amount of days and they feel great. I'm always blown away with the, "I lost 30 pounds in 45 days and I feel awesome." Anyways, about two months ago a friend of mind from high school suggested that I try Xyngular. She knew I was struggling to get off my plateau so I tried it. I lost seven pounds in three days but after my 7 day (or 8, I can't remember) package ended I went back to eating normally, which was 1200 calories for me. Within a week I gained back everything I lost, still only eating 1200 calories. I learned my lesson and now run everyday and use the TDEE method. While the weight is coming off much slower I feel good about it because I feel like I'm doing it the right way. What I want to know is how can some people keep the weight off and some people can't? If I started eating crummy then yes, it would make total sense me gaining it back, but I made sure to eat really well and I still gained it back. I guess I'm really asking this because I have some friends that are taking diet pills and have lost a ton of weight and I'm worried that they will gain it back. I would just hate to see them gain it all back.


  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I'm not versed in how and why we're different and why you gained your weight back when you were eating correctly, but what I do know is that there is NOTHING GOOD that comes from taking diet pills. Your friends can end up having major health issues, and on top of that THEY WILL gain back the weight they lost, and probably a little more on top of that.

    Now, I'm sure there are a few people on MFP that may have kick started their wright loss with diet pills, or maybe got themselves over a plateau and might not have gained any of that weight back, but they would be in the minority, I believe.

    I'm sure your friends have heard it all and will have to see for themselves. :frown:
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    unless they change their diet and exercise regularly, they will not maintain.