Sugar on MFP

According to MFP, my sugar allowance for the day w/out any exercise is 24 grams and with exercise about 34 grams. That is based on me trying to lose a pound a week. I can't help but question these numbers. For example 1 cup of blueberries is about 15 grams of sugar according to That's about half of my daily sugar intake if i choose blueberries as a snack and that will be only one serving of fruit. My question is how important are these numbers when trying to lose weight. Should i follow MFP's guideline about sugar or is it okay to have more then one serving of fruit. So confused! Thoughts anyone?


  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I don't get too concerned if I go over on my sugar totals. But, keep it close.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Their guidelines are set to the general guidelines for *added* sugars. Unless you have a medical issue, there's no real reason to track them. I track fiber instead.