Zumba after c-section

hi! Has anyone done Zumba after a c-section? If so, how soon after? And what results you got? ..... I had my baby on April 30th (c-section 2nd c-section 3rd pregnancy) so I am 15 days post surgery and I had a Dr's appointment today and I was given the ok to workout but something light and nothing that works my abs and I was thinking of doing Zumba. Any ideas anyone?


  • momma2ZKL
    momma2ZKL Posts: 47 Member
    The Zumba class I take has a lot of moves that work your abs and a lot of twisting. I've had 3 c-sections and I would not have been able to do it 15 days out, but I love Zumba!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    edited May 2015
    angelaleal wrote: »
    hi! Has anyone done Zumba after a c-section? If so, how soon after? And what results you got? ..... I had my baby on April 30th (c-section 2nd c-section 3rd pregnancy) so I am 15 days post surgery and I had a Dr's appointment today and I was given the ok to workout but something light and nothing that works my abs and I was thinking of doing Zumba. Any ideas anyone?

    I wouldn't consider Zumba Light exercise.

    Try walking until at least 6-8 weeks.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Run it by your doctor.

    However, Zumba is definitely not what I'd consider "light" exercise. Anytime I've done Zumba, it's usually been pretty intense and involved a lot of core movement. You'd probably be okay with walking and maybe even some of the Leslie Sansone video stuff. You should be careful after a csection though. I did too much to soon after my last c-section and it started to open. I didn't start intense exercise until I was 3 months PP.
  • AngelaAlegre
    AngelaAlegre Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all, I will try to relax and take it easy, I guess I am just kind of in a hurry to lose the weight I gained and more because I was trying to lose weight when I found out I was pregnant lol. But yes I will try walking and build it from there and look into some yoga and Pilates that don't work the abs so much and listen to my body and see if that works and gets me started.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    As a mum who has had 5 pregnancy and 4 c-sections, I think you should wait till you get the all clear from your doctor. After my second, I overdid it an opened my scar, really sore believe me. First c-section, was in hospital 8 days, rested for 2 weeks and walked about 2 miles a day until I felt able to walk for longer, took 6 months. Second c-section, was in hospital for 5 days, got home, rested for 1 week and then overdid it, rested again but walked, and went back to work after 6 months.
    Third c-section, was in hospital for 3 days, got out and started walking that day I got out. I knew my limitations. Started running after 6 months. Fourth c-section, was in hospital three nights and two days, got home walked to my neighbours 0.5 miles away and went home, next day walked downhill to the lake and surprisingly made it back uphill. Lost tons of weight but put it on after stopped breastfeeding. That was three years ago and now gone from UK size 18-20 to UK size 12-14 since march till date. Add me if you like for support.