middle age weight gain

Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
Hello,hope this app can be helpful.How come I'm as active as I have always been.Also eating the same as I always have yet seem to be gaining belly fat.I'm a young 50 very active but now starting to have problems with my weight.Will counting calories be enough ?


  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Ah, the "menopot." When we age, especially at or around menopause, our metabolism slows down. This is why young people can eat more than we do and not gain. I exercise much more than I did when I was younger, but have to eat less, especially since I'm only 5'1.5". I workout and also track my calories. I'm maintaining on less than 1300 calories a day, and I was able to eat way more than that 10 years ago and not gain. I also do yoga and pilates to keep my midsection toned. While you can't "spot reduce," by keeping your body fat lower through diet and exercise and working those areas, you can get a more toned appearance.

    Yes, aging sucks, but it's better than the other alternative.
  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    Ah, the "menopot." When we age, especially at or around menopause, our metabolism slows down. This is why young people can eat more than we do and not gain. I exercise much more than I did when I was younger, but have to eat less, especially since I'm only 5'1.5". I workout and also track my calories. I'm maintaining on less than 1300 calories a day, and I was able to eat way more than that 10 years ago and not gain. I also do yoga and pilates to keep my midsection toned. While you can't "spot reduce," by keeping your body fat lower through diet and exercise and working those areas, you can get a more toned appearance.

    Yes, aging sucks, but it's better than the other alternative.

  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank u rosebette I guess I will add more exercise to my routine. Maybe I will have more energy if I exercise more.Thanks alot
  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    Same here. Even just a few years ago, things were much easier. Working my *kitten* off. Watching and recording everything I eat. This new plan is actually giving me more calories. I'm still being very patient, hoping to see change. I was gaining on 1200 calories. So, what the hell! May as well go for it.
  • lindawlas
    lindawlas Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I am in the same boat! I am 51 years old, used to eat anything and everything and now it just goes straight to my "belly"! So here I am! I am a newbie ... Just a couple of days in ... But tracking my food seems to help me think about what I am eating! If any of you want to add me as a friend, in the same age bracket and same situation, add me ... I need the friends and support!
  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    Me too hope we can support each other.
  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    Same here. Even just a few years ago, things were much easier. Working my *kitten* off. Watching and recording everything I eat. This new plan is actually giving me more calories. I'm still being very patient, hoping to see change. I was gaining on 1200 calories. So, what the hell! May as well go for it.

  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    Maybe I should try to go under 1200.I feel like I'm starving now on 1200 idk
  • 1BrokenArrow
    1BrokenArrow Posts: 21 Member
    I sent all of you a friend request :)
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Dorothy427 wrote: »
    Hello,hope this app can be helpful.How come I'm as active as I have always been.Also eating the same as I always have yet seem to be gaining belly fat.I'm a young 50 very active but now starting to have problems with my weight.Will counting calories be enough ?
    From one middle age lady to another, nope.
    Because losing weight is not the only goal, right? It's getting a better body composition and feeling healthy and vibrant, and not having
    Actually this is true for any age woman, but for us older ladies, there is usually more demand on us, or our bodies are changing hormonally, and our reserves and ability to bounce back from stress is not the same as when we were younger.
    I finally figured out how to eat so that my body was achieving balance. I wanted stable appetite and moods and blood sugar and more. Some foods just were not helping me, namely carbs, but also other changes in my diet were in order. I cleaned and tweaked my diet all up, getting back to the essential foods. I'm actually surprised to find that it's totally delicious. I didn't ask my 5 children to diet with me, but they all asked if they could eat the same way (but not for weight loss), so that's a sign that it tastes awesome!!!

    If you are on a computer you can see my progress, I have listed it on my profile page! Previously I was frustrated because I'd lose weight (and it wasn't easy), then gain it all back. This time, it's totally different! I'm not fighting cravings, and have no desire to go off my diet. I've been following this way of eating since March 20.From then until now, I've lost 17lbs! I haven't checked my bf% in like a week, but at last count I'd lost over 3%bodyfat in that same time!! I went from 169lbs and this morning I was 153lbs. I was at 31.7%bodyfat and last I checked i was at 28.3%bodyfat.

    I'd be happy to show you how I went about changing my diet...it's pretty simple really.

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Dorothy427 wrote: »
    Maybe I should try to go under 1200.I feel like I'm starving now on 1200 idk

    No!!!!! Don't do that! That's the worse thing you can do. Try mfp formula to lose one pound per week and eat half of your exercise calories.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    At age 51,I was at my all time high weight.
    Long story short. I am now 56 and back to what I weighed in my mid 30's.
    Lost 48 lbs in total and could not be happier.
    I don't workout but lightly active, golf once a week.
    Portion control is the key. Stay away from processed food as much as possible.
    And be patient.
    Send me a friend request if you would like.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    Dorothy427 wrote: »
    Maybe I should try to go under 1200.I feel like I'm starving now on 1200 idk

    No!!!!! Don't do that! That's the worse thing you can do. Try mfp formula to lose one pound per week and eat half of your exercise calories.

  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    What is mfp? I'm not even sure how many calories I should be eating
  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    pita7317 wrote: »
    At age 51,I was at my all time high weight.
    Long story short. I am now 56 and back to what I weighed in my mid 30's.
    Lost 48 lbs in total and could not be happier.
    I don't workout but lightly active, golf once a week.
    Portion control is the key. Stay away from processed food as much as possible.
    And be patient.
    Send me a friend request if you would like.
    Good luck on your journey.

  • Dorothy427
    Dorothy427 Posts: 14 Member
    Pita is heathy choice and lean cuisine bad for diet ?
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    My fitness pal (mfp)
    From your home page, click on goals and choose guided. Enter your information to get how many calories you should eat a day, according to your activity level.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Dorothy427 wrote: »
    Pita is heathy choice and lean cuisine bad for diet ?

    Start from the beginning.
    Enter your goals.
    Some people just eat smaller portions of what they normally eat.
    Other people, such as myself are very specific about which types of foods they eat.