has anyone lost weight after a total thyroidectomy

Hi there I just had a total thyroidectomy a week ago and I am wondering is there weight loss after? I gained a lot of weight before due to my thyroid trouble, for over 9 years. Then after developing thyroid cancer had to have it removed this year. So I was wondering of a success story out there because all my research now shows weight gain after weight gain even if you exercise and eat right. On the other hand it is hard for me to eat right and I am a mom of three and work full time so its hard to find much time to exercise so I asking for advise please.


  • AleshaRae82
    AleshaRae82 Posts: 31 Member
    Not sure what advise I can really give - but stay positive and open minded.

    I had a Total Thyroidectomy Christmas Eve last year (2013) and didn't start really getting into exercise until about 6 weeks ago. I joined a local gym and work out 4-5 times a week. My routine is 15 minutes cardio (treadmill with intense jogging intervals) and then the remainder 45 minutes doing weights/machines
    So far I've dropped 12 lbs! But eating healthy is the other part of the battle. If you don’t change your eating habits working out alone will not shed the weight. Just make better decisions on what you put in your body.

    I know you mentioned you don't have time, but even if you squeeze in an intense 30 min workout you too can experience the joys of losing those unwanted pounds. And you don’t have to join a gym to get fit. There are tons of youtube videos and pinterest fitness pages to scroll through that will guide you on exercises you can do at home.
    If you have the mindset, you will find the time.

    Believe me - its been hard work. Like extra hard work since my body is relying on medication to balance out my thyroid levels. But you can't use that as an excuse. Hard work and dedication will bring success.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I have Graves Disease and never had problems losing weight by just exercising and "watching" what I eat. Now I gained a ton of weight and have a hard time losing. I'm also older now though but thyroid troubles are crap!
  • kayleyann
    kayleyann Posts: 2 Member
    I had a thyroidectomy nov 12 and have gained about 30 pounds since and fluctuating about 5 pounds with working out, diet changes. I have a herbalife shake in the morning with almond milk, a lean cusine for lunch, and fresh fruit, veggies, chicken, with rice or tortilla for dinner. I was on cytomel 5 mg for a period of 3 months with no change, but gave me cystic acne - I have gone to 2 endos asking for help on how I can lose weight with no help..I've also read it is harder to process carbs without a thyroid? so I have tried to cut out carbs. I use the eliiptical for 3 miles about 3 x week, I feel like I am doing something wrong!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    If you have a good endrocrinologist you should be back to square after about 6 months. I put on ~70 lbs over the past 14 years, but used the hypothyroidism as an excuse. You have to realize that's all it is - an excuse and don't let it become one. If your TSH level is in the green your metabolism will work the same way it did before. Be very vocal if a doc/pharmacist tries to switch to a generic or your "normal" meds. If you feel good don't change anything. Levothyroxine is one of the more challenging pharmaceuticals to manufacture and has a wider range of variation.

    If you need motivation or success stories there are several elite level athletes who went through the same and perform better than ever post-treatment.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I think those who gain are people who were hypothyroid, but still had a low-functioning thyroid. When they start the Synthroid, the levels aren't as high as their thyroid had been giving them, so they gain.

    Me, I lost all my weight after it came out. Mine was a big, giant, windpipe-crushing, chest-filling, pushing on the lungs MESS. It was doing absolutely nothing for me except causing breathing problems, lol.

    When I started on the Synthroid, I started losing. When the levels were increased and I had a little energy (plus the increased ability to breathe properly, of course), I was able to exercise.

    Every pound I've lost - and will lose - is thanks to having that surgery.

    It still a little difficult. If I ate 1600 calories a day, I'd have to exercise all day long to work them off, lol.

    But excluding the birth of my son, my thyroid removal is the best thing that ever happened to me. :)
  • ConnerOney
    ConnerOney Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is a very past-dated post but I'm here so obviously people are still reading it. Just wanted to chime in on my journey so far. Hypothyroid for about 15 years! Hashimotos. Removed right side on March 1, 2017 due to a 4cm tumor blocking my airway. It was benign. I still have half of my thyroid. But I've been chronically exhausted for YEARS, hair loss, weight that can't be lost, etc etc. Removal 10 days ago. Placed on NDT! (Armor, NATURE throid, etc) I FEEL AMAZING! I have tons of energy and I've lost 8.5lb since removal. Here's to the future.