28 weeks pregnant


I'm on here because I'd love some support to hold me accountable. I'm 28 weeks pregnant and due August 9th, so obviously I am not trying to lose weight at this time.

My main goals are: go on a walk several times a week, cut out excessive added sugar (I have let myself eat way too much candy/cake/ice cream), and eat whole, natural foods.

Thus far in my pregnancy I've only gained 3 pounds (thankfully!!). However, I was overweight when I became pregnant, so my bad habits carried over...theyre not new.

In general, I'd say 70% of my day I really do a good job. But take last night, for example. My husband wanted nachos for dinner...and I made sure to tell him to bring me back something sweet as he left for the store. So he brought me Twislers and Good and Plenty. On top of too many chips I then had too much candy. Normally we try and meal plan, but weekends seem to get the better of us when we need to grocery shop.

Looking forward to talking with people who are looking for encouragement and a nutrition and a nutrition buddy!


  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    I wish you a healthy pregnancy. Please work with your obstetric team about your recommended weight gain for this pregnancy and your recommended weight loss goals for your postpartum period. If your OB's office has a registered dietician, maybe you can request a few sessions with them to help you with your goals.

    Coming here for support for your fitness and managing your habits and eating patterns is great. One strategy I use is to nearly completely eliminate eating out or making quick runs to the store for goodies. I plan all my family's meals for the week and make a shopping list for one trip per week. If the tempting food is in the house, I am more likely to eat it. My teenager has learned that if she wants to eat fast food or something else other than what I have planned for the week's meals, she needs to get it for herself.

    Now all of that said, it doesn't mean I don't plan on eating foods I enjoy. I make healthier versions of everything - comfort food, pasta, rice, breakfasts, even desserts. Today I'm slow-cooking a beef brisket that we can eat off of for a few days (lunches, left-overs, etc) and a yummy strawberry shortcake for dessert. I won't feel deprived. I just understand how to fit portion sizes and recipes into my goals. Eating out gives me less control over those things though there are many people who can make that work for them (and more power to them). I just have found that going out to eat is going to be a "once-in-awhile" thing and not a regular thing.
  • akirkland1026
    akirkland1026 Posts: 5 Member
    I am almost 25 weeks and I have gained 22 pounds so far! I'm counting my calories to try to maintain my weight. I am also walking as much as I can. With my first I gained 56 pounds and lost all but 9 pounds. Then I got pregnant again with my surprise baby. Hoping not to gain as much as last time.