my goal of losing 45 lbs seems like a huge mountain to climb

I weighed myself this morning. it showed 79.2

I have a really hard time doing 1200 calories a day but it seems that if I want to lose 2 lbs a week, its the only way to do it (unless I do some major workouts). I need encouragement from you to continue my mission. it would make such a positive difference in my life (and my husbands!) for me to persevere but it seems huge. how did you folks manage to lose so much weight?!

how do you talk yourself out of eating so much?


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Remember that 1200 calories is bare minimum for anyone and is generally without exercise so if you are exercising you will want to increase your cals slightly otherwise you will have no energy for workouts and will put your body in a starvation mode which is far worse, just some thoughts, you may want to look at it.

    Take it day by day. When i started a couple months ago i had to take it hour by hour because i thought about food constantly and could eat constantly. Plan meals out for yourself to stay within the calorie alottment you have for yourself, it helps split the day up in cals so you aren't searching suddenly for a snack.

    Also try to journal your cravings and hunger for a week, you may be able to see a pattern so that you can head it off when it happens.

    You can totally do it! You are a strong, confident woman, you can totally do it! If you don't lose 2 lbs a week, don't get hard on yourself, we as women have hormonal times and retain water during those times.

    **hugs** you can do it!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Ugh, I remember saying 46 pounds is too much to lose, I'll never do it, and then I have another 12 after that. I cannot do almost 60 pounds! I was pregnant at 193 lbs though. I knew giving birth would start the process, but I knew I had a LONG way to go.

    I lost 22 lbs from birth and was 171. I need to get down to 135 to be healthy. I am currently 146 lbs. It is a long slow process. I've lost 25 lbs in 3.5 months.

    My first (inexperienced) advice is not to eat too few calories. Maybe you don't need to lose 2 lbs a week. Set your goal for 1 lb a week and see what those calories are then try to get under that. I know when I was hungry I would possibly eat 1200 calories that day, but it got old being hungry fast, so it didn't last long and I gave up. So I would up my calories (I don't know what it would be? Maybe 1400, 1500 then eat under them if I could).

    Second, I found I am much fuller eating healthier. I hated HATED vegetables. My husband kept buying different ones until I found I liked bell peppers and cucumbers, and I tolerate baby carrots. The only way I will eat these is if I have ranch. But I can sit down and eat a whole plate and feel fuller than the equivalent 4 oreos of calories. Yes, I can only eat these with ranch which is more calories and fat, but we need those too.

    I found low calorie breakfasts so I have calories to snack later. If I eat oatmeal with milk it's only 250 calories, leaving me able to eat a nutragrain bar, or goldfish crackers with my son later when I am hungry. Watermelon and strawberries are low calorie snacks that give me the sweets I am craving. I eat 3 main meals and usually 3 snacks (I know this is the healthy way to go and not what I started out doing - but I get hungry inbetween and I'd rather eat often then binge later).

    So I guess what I'm saying is I don't talk myself out of eating, I just try to talk myself into eating better more often. When I first started my food diaries were ridiculous. I'd have oatmeal, a lean cuisine for lunch, a salad for dinner, then 8 oreos LOL. I'd save my calories, I'd be hungry all day so I could eat a ton of dessert.

    I hope this helps some. I've lost 47 lbs now (but nursing has helped a lot) and I still have 11 to go just to be healthy. Those 11 lbs are still daunting. I know weight comes off easier in the beginning and that every pound from here on out will take longer/be harder to lose. But I really do want to get down to a healthy weight. I really want to be a healthier person, so I am going to take it one pound at a time and try to make long term changes to my life, for myself, for my husband, and our children. (He's doing it with me which really helps too! Get him involved! If my husband ate cake in front of me every night I'd be eating it too. But when we make chicken breast and rice and vegetables then it's a lot easier to eat better).

    Best of Luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I remember the feeling...I took it nice and slow at about 1 Lb per week starting back in Sept/Oct...I'm about 40 Lbs down now and rockin' it. If you would have told me 10 months ago that I'd be training for a GoRuck and a Tough Mudder right now I would have laughed in your face; I could barely walk around the block, let alone even fathom doing military boot camp style fitness.

    My advice is this...this is what helped me the most; focus on the process...focus on proper nutrition and being a healthier you. Set fitness goals that are independent of calories burned, etc...your weight loss deficit is built into your diet, you don't need to make it bigger with exercise...also, eat most of those exercise calories back (google NEAT method...MFP is a NEAT method calculator). Use your diet for weight control; exercise for fitness...and go get your fitness on, it's awesome.

    When you focus on good livin' rather than obsessing about the number on the scale, things tend to just fall into place. Focus on the results and you rarely see the change; focus on the change and you'll always see the results.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Maybe all you need is a little tweak in your plan. 1200 calories is not the only way to lose weight. I had a hard time eating 1200 calories a day and to top it off I stopped losing! I switched to a 1 pound loss per week and have had no problems sticking to my plan. It makes it much easier to do for long periods of time. Or consider that you can still lose weight if you net 1200 calories. Meaning you log your exercise and eat the amount you burn so that your calorie deficit stays at 1200. So you could do an easy to moderate workout and eat 1400 calories or somewhere around there. Possibly more.

    Just think about this: if it's too hard for you to eat 1200 calories to lose two pounds a week you probably won't stick with your weight loss plan and you'll stay the way you are or possibly even gain more weight. Losing one pound per week is still great progress and is easier to achieve. Still a challenge, but so much more doable.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's a much lesser mountain to climb when you decide to lose a more reasonable 1 lb a week and don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight.

    Just IMO...
  • happywife2
    happywife2 Posts: 20
    all right!!! i'm officially aiming for 1 pound a week. I see how that'll be more manageable and worthwhile in the long run. I lost my first 6 pounds doing about 1500 calories, mostly because I ate healthy nutritious (but not light calorie) food throughout the day. this past week I only lost a1/2 pound because I under-ate (under 1200!) on some days and then was starving once I got into bed...sooo...I came right out of bed and ATE a ton. so I do see how upping the calorie intake and projecting a slower weight loss is quite sensible. I've never had this kind of support. thank you all!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    There's lots of good advice on here already (and I agree with your choice to aim for 1 pound a week), so just one more suggestion--set mini goals for yourself in addition to your goal of losing 45 pounds. If you focus on losing 5 or 10 pounds at a time, it's a little less intimidating. And don't lose sight of what you've accomplished already--congratulate yourself on your loss so far!
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    Just my two cents but I get to eat pretty much as much as I want because I DO exercise... there's no way I would deprive myself of food just to lose weight, it's all a balancing act... plus working out gives other benefits as well such as increased strength, stamina and health. Have you considered adding in some additional exercise?
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    The way I encourage myself is by realizing that there is no end to it. I set my calorie goal to my TDEE(sedentary) at goal weight so I know that the way I eat today is the way I will still eat indefinitely. No race, no rush, just a new way of eating forever. I am figuring out how to handle every food situation life throws at me and view the weight loss part as just practice for maintenance. I usually only eat back half my exercise calories so I can speed things up a bit that way, if I want.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    1200 is a recommendation but you do not have to follow it.
  • I've lost 45lbs now and am maintaining now. I exercised more (only walking miles though) and really stuck to 1200 plus eating back exercise cals. I never thought about the whole 45lbs, just did half a stone at a time and it soon came off. Not getting downhearted is the thing. good luck
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    most people eat way too few calories and that's why they have issues. there is an equation to figure out how many calories you need. 1200 is really low and i'm betting you aren't insanely short and not exercising. I lost 160 pounds or so originally so losing 45 can definitely be done. Losing weight is simply being in a proper calorie deficit. Like I said, most people are way too low and that causes so many issues. PM me directly if you want more details.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    There's lots of good advice on here already (and I agree with your choice to aim for 1 pound a week), so just one more suggestion--set mini goals for yourself in addition to your goal of losing 45 pounds. If you focus on losing 5 or 10 pounds at a time, it's a little less intimidating. And don't lose sight of what you've accomplished already--congratulate yourself on your loss so far!
    yes and just be patient, I think everyone had doubts when they started. I know I remember thinking it will take forever but it goes by faster than you think. Remember it took a while to put it on and it will take awhile to take it off. I know I never would have made it this far without the support from the people on this site. Just keep logging in and you will get there. Good luck:wink:
  • eyespy45
    eyespy45 Posts: 4
    so much good advice here!!! If it makes you feel better, I have about that size of a heap to drop :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I weighed myself this morning. it showed 79.2

    I have a really hard time doing 1200 calories a day but it seems that if I want to lose 2 lbs a week, its the only way to do it (unless I do some major workouts). I need encouragement from you to continue my mission. it would make such a positive difference in my life (and my husbands!) for me to persevere but it seems huge. how did you folks manage to lose so much weight?!

    how do you talk yourself out of eating so much?

    Surely, this is a typo or are you talking KG and not pounds? Because 79.2 pounds for an adult is absurdly thin.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    It is a huge mountain to climb. So break it up into mini goals! Accomplish your goals one pound at a time.

    Nothing tastes as good as being almost 70 pounds lighter feels.

    Don't forget Progress Equals Happiness.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member

    Surely, this is a typo or are you talking KG and not pounds? Because 79.2 pounds for an adult is absurdly thin.

    That is a typo if you look at the progress meter on the post it is 179.2 probably.

    I definitely think the hardest thing for some people is when they decide to eat 'diet' food. Try to avoid that, find a way to stick to real foods and budget your calories. But like others said, 1200 is probably not sustainable, you will either need to exercise to bring up that number or go with a smaller deficit so you aren't under nourishing yourself. I have personally tried 'dieting' multiple times, and failed every time, this time I am trying to do the lifestyle change instead, adjust my calories, add more exercise and avoid 'diet' foods I wouldn't eat when I reach my target.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,177 Member
    I never set out to lose more than a pound a week....its more doable and the slower you take it off, the more likely you are to keep it off. :)

    Instead of looking at the BIG picture, set smaller goals. My first goal was to get out of the 200's. Then it was to reach my half way point. Then it was to get to where I was before I gained weight. Now its just get to goal for me. Its much easier to work in smaller increments instead of being overwhelmed by a bigger number.

    Eventually, you DO get used to less food...your body learns to work more efficiently with less. But don't be afraid to eat. I started out at 1200 calories but I have upped it to 1300 and if I go a little over, I don't worry. You have to create a good relationship with everything, but in moderation. And move more. That's it. Keep on! :)
  • happywife2
    happywife2 Posts: 20
    it was a typo! I meant to write 179.2