Don't motivate me, inspire me!

RonRoff Posts: 175 Member
I've been going at it for quite a while now, becoming healthy and fit and so have all my friends.

But as i move forwards, just like in real life, fit friends come and go.

Are you active? Open? Share your diary? Really want to become fit? Don't perve around?

Add me and inspire me! I log every day, exercise 9 times a week and try to be active on my wall.

My interests are in particular: Fighting (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Karate), Fitness, Bootcamping, eating healthy, spreading a positive attitude, and last but not least, speaking foreign languages (especially Brazilian Portuguese). My wall is always in english ofcourse.

I'm starting a sports education and food/weight education in juli, which going to last a year, this helps me with even more motivation from within, i'm not looking for others to motivate me, but inspire me!