Hi I'm Peggy

Pegs73 Posts: 1 Member
I am 42 years old and I have used this.app before to lose weight and it was very helpful. But I haven't been watching what I eat fir a yr so I gained 20 lbs back in a yr of the 50 I lost in 6 mths. So I'm here to try again. Hopefully reaching my goal of 150..I am 240 right now. I never posted anything before didn't know you could. Hopefully I meant some peo Pl ke and we can support each other. Have a wonderful day!


  • NicoleBarnes1
    NicoleBarnes1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Peggy and welcome back. It sure is a struggle to keep the weight off once you lose it , as I know I've been on diets on and off most of my adult life. I'm 57 years old and this is my first time on MFP and I really like the app. Add me as a friend , I
    would love to share with you some of the success (and fails as I know I occasionaly have them) .