Tracking weight lifting

EDollah Posts: 464 Member
I'm interested to hear if anyone uses a tool of any sort to document sets/reps/weight for their weight lifting. I used to use a little paper diary in ye olden days but if I can use a higher tech solution that makes logging easier, I'd love to use it.

I've found different apps, like Gym Buddy, JEFIT and many more but I'm curious if anyone has strong feelings, good or bad, about using such an app. I'm not necessarily looking for a free one either. Integration with this site would be nifty, but I'm guessing that doesn't exist or else there's be a link to it from the "APPS" tab above.

Note - let me preemptively ask for people to NOT say "I use my brain". Great for you, that's not my question though.


  • Jenny_Ren1
    Jenny_Ren1 Posts: 65 Member
    Note - let me preemptively ask for people to NOT say "I use my brain". Great for you, that's not my question though.

    LOL!!! But seriously, I have the same question. Starting my lifting program tonight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    When I did Starting Strength I used an app called "lifting log." Nothing fancy...just logged my lifts and how much weight shot out some graphs, etc. I'm doing 5/3/1 now and use an online calculator to calculate all of my percentages and what weight I use for each set and I just print that out and use pencil to make weight changes every set of every exercise, so an app isn't really all that practical at this point and the data would be meaningless anyway because the graph would show that I was strong and then all of a sudden I was weak...well, that's how it would look on the graph. Sometimes pencil and paper are just the way to go.
  • tubzzy77
    tubzzy77 Posts: 104 Member
    I make a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and print it out and take it with me to the gym. I do this so I can write my own notes about how hard/easy a lift was, if there was any difficulties, etc. I find nothing beats pen and paper.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Score one for old school! Thanks for responses guys. Pen and paper works for me.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    Get a little notebook (86 cents at Fry's) and a pen! Ive been logging my miles and exercises for months now and I love being able to flip through the pages to see how far ive come.