Time for a new scale?

My scale (digital), gives me a bunch of numbers, generally within a 5 lbs range every time I step on. When I weigh in, I usually step on the first time and get a number that's too low, step on again and get a number that's too high, and then the third time it'll settle on a number that makes sense and if I try again, it usually stays at the third number.

A couple of weeks ago, the range went from 5 lbs (this is within a couple seconds), to 30 lbs. I changed the batteries, and that seemed to help for a week or so, but it's back to jumping around. I got 110lbs this morning and I also got 130, and it kept going back and forth.

Change the batteries or get a new scale?


  • mizzlarabee
    mizzlarabee Posts: 134 Member
    Sounds wonky! I would hit up Amazon for a new scale :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Get a new one. Realise that most digital scales in the market employ "fake consistency" or "remember" your last weight and will re display it to you on concecutive weight ins unless the new weight detected is "appreciably" different (value of "appreciably" varies).