
Okay here we are at the 'ground' floor of the Son of Earth blog.

Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sure my sense of humour will get better after my first cup of coffee.

A bit of health history: I started my journey about 4 years ago. Starting at 230 lbs, over the last few years, with a goal weight of 169 lbs, I dropped to 173 lbs, then bounced around and have now settled in the 195ish range.

Over the past month, I’ve tried to get back on the bandwagon with a lesser or greater degree of success. I haven’t been 100% faithful, but I’ve succeed much more often than not. I’ve felt changes happening to my body, but they haven’t been reflective on the scale, having only lost 5 lbs in the last month, much to my frustration.

My goals for being on this site are simple:

1. Track my progress and use it as an tool of encouragement to help motivate me
2. Measure my effort vs. my progress and make changes if necessary
3. Connect with others so we can provide mutual support in our efforts towards a healthier lifestyle

I’ll try to post every day with thoughts, progress, and so on. I look forward to your responses.

Good luck to everyone in their journey.
