Fastfood Desires



  • princetonmayberry
    princetonmayberry Posts: 39 Member
    tnewflash wrote: »
    You can essentially eat anything you want as long as you are either maintaining or in a deficit. If you don't allow yourself to eat some "unhealthy" foods you will get too bad if cravings and over indulge eventually. I eat Taco Bell, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, etc..and maintained six pack abs and I am not one who has a really high metabolism, just be aware of calories in vs calories out

    I see, thanks
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Chic Fil A

    Grilled nuggets or garden salad



  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    tnewflash wrote: »
    You can essentially eat anything you want as long as you are either maintaining or in a deficit. If you don't allow yourself to eat some "unhealthy" foods you will get too bad if cravings and over indulge eventually. I eat Taco Bell, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, etc..and maintained six pack abs and I am not one who has a really high metabolism, just be aware of calories in vs calories out

    It matters for your blood chemistry

    If you have stroke or blood pressure issues in your family then it really matters

    Lots of people that are not fat die of strokes and heart attacks

    It all matters

    There is so much more to feeding the machine than muscle definition
  • blondeinnj
    blondeinnj Posts: 3,215 Member
    I daydream about Big Mac Fries and a Vanilla Shake Super Sized.
  • mfitbro
    mfitbro Posts: 234 Member
    Chipotle, sp? I love that stuff
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Mmmm I'd love a chocolate shake but just don't want to waste the calories. I have mcdonalds down to an art though...a happy meal isn't a ton of calories