Protien Powder

So My husband works a very active job as a Heavy Duty Mechainic. He's sadly not a very big eater and is very very picky. With all that he's very skinny and very tired all the time. I belive this is because the lack of protien in his diet, i sugessted Boost energy drinks but he hates those same with Quinoa. But he's willing to bend and suggested Protien powder. So he's very picky... i'm kid you not, he said that he doesn't mind the ones at booster juice. could you suggest a brand that would be similar to the taste a that one? also it has to be available to purchase in canada. Can you suggest some other lunch snacks i can give him that are full of protien? I give him Almonds and other nuts, he hates soya.. I want something healthy since he eats so much junk food too.. Any and all advice is apprecated!