
I think I do well. Im not going over my calorie budget. This app will tell me in five weeks I'll weigh 186 yet my weight hasn't changed hardly any. I'm still holding at 210. On the plus my cholesterol went from 318 to 183. But im discouraged with the weight .Now what?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I hate to open a response with question, but... How long have you been on MFP

    1) MFP is setup to where it gives you 1500 calories which is your daily calories to loose weight with a deficit..
    You rarely eat 1500 calories, I went back a week and you eat 1000 to 1200 most days (except Thursday when you had 2000 (which is ok) and another day you did not log..

    Please give more details about your situation.. for example your goals, how your plan is setup (to loose x pounds a week).. exercise, yes or no... how long you have been at this, etc..
  • jsphmac1
    jsphmac1 Posts: 8 Member
    52days is how long I've been doing MFP. Iwent the highest level I could which was two pounds a week. I'm trying not to go over the calorie budget and for most of the day I can honestly say,.I never feel hunger. When I leave work I stop at the gym and after I have a full feeling. But not from drinking or eating. The exercise makes me feel full. When I do eat supper which is my "Big meal " I'm eating small portions. The day I didn't log in I was discouraged from no weight lost. So I didn't eat anything. I'm trying to get to 190 and get my good cholesterol up while lowering my bad. Which has happened but only if I remain in the gym.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    How are you measuring your food? Why am I seeing so many days between 1000 and 1500 calories? You need to log correctly.