Weight loss help

Hello, im looking for a weight lose solution. Ive gotten so over weight it makes me dipressed. Im 6 foot 230 pounds 23 years old. Goin from 180 pounds to 230 is just mentally sadening. Im not sure if i should lift weights or run on the treadmill or what to eat not to mention im such a picky eater. Or if i run how long and fast or if i lift weights what do i work on and how many reps. I feel like all the information out on the web just contrdicts itself, and im just desperatly trying and dont know what im doin. Please any help would be amazing


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Weight loss is about how much you eat, not what you eat or what exercises you do. Log your food accurately, lift to retain your muscles, and do the cardio you feel most comfortable with to work your heart and earn a few more calories.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    To lose weight, eat at a deficit. Weigh everything you consume with a food scale to be sure that your actually eating at a deficit. Log everything that you consume here.
    For lifting, why not Google new rules of lifting or a similar program so you have somewhere to start. Follow the lifting program and you'll be fine.
    I don't run, so can't offer much advice on that. But I'd pick an activity that you enjoy and start there for your cardio. For example, if you like bicycling, why not go for a bike ride?