Struggling to overcome fears of gadgets for weight loss

Hello to all you potential coaches! I am new to this and forgive any mistakes I may make. My daughter gave me a Fitbit for Mother's Day, and suggested I also participate in these forums, as I have grown weary of weigh and pay programs and have become a bit of an introvert. Either way, I am still 60 pounds over weight and need to do something other than sit at work and sit at home. I've charged my Fitbit and have hit my 10,000 steps goal since 5/17. Just started logging food today. I'm a bit confused with the intake and output of calories. If I consume 1200 calories, but burn 500, am I suppose to eat another 500 calories? It might be a silly question, but I was always under the impression you lost weight eating a certain amount, and burning more... Also, carbs and sugar put me to sleep. Anyone aware of programs that lean towards more protein then carbs?


  • deanspools2013
    deanspools2013 Posts: 578 Member
    If your trying to loose weight the main goal is a deficit So it would depend how many calories intensity etc. I'd listen to my body while constantly maintaining a deficit
  • deanspools2013
    deanspools2013 Posts: 578 Member
    The whole "paleo" thing could start a whole day debate I say eat fiber nutrient rich carbs when you do eat them and eat them in moderation unless you are doing high intensity things trying to maintain lean muscle
  • deanspools2013
    deanspools2013 Posts: 578 Member
    Do as I say not as I do lol
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    loose dat weight yo
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Your MFP calorie goal has your deficit built in. MFP adjusts your goal to TDEE (your maintenance calories) minus deficit. Eat back your adjustments for several weeks, then reevaluate your progress.
  • Flamingogirlcindy
    Flamingogirlcindy Posts: 3 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    loose dat weight yo

    I'm trying! This time last year I was 50 pounds heavier! Yo!