Focusing on health after 40lb weight gain in less than a year.

mn7189 Posts: 5 Member
I'm not really sure what my goals are. I'm just trying to get fit and healthy in a sustainable way. I gained all this weight after I started my new job that has me at a desk all day and failing to incorporate fitness back into to my routine after I moved and got settled in.... And maybe a bit too much stress eating. But I'm already down 15lbs just by being more active. Now I'm trying to focus on my eatting habits and I'm hoping this app and the community feature will be a big help. I'm looking forward to becoming more healthy and learning from you guys. If you're good at holding people accountable add me, lol.


  • cgissel
    cgissel Posts: 16 Member
    Sound's like you are off to a good start. Once you made up your mind, 15 pounds is great. THAT has got to be a motivation on it's own. If you can get out at lunch time and take a quick walk that will help you squeeze in some additional activity. MFP will help you track your foods and you can see at the end of the day if you are reaching all your food needs. Keep up the good work.
  • mn7189
    mn7189 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I've tried walking at a nearby park during my lunch break but due to heat I didn't really feel comfortable when I returned to work. There is mall next door and I've been thinking about just walking there for a little bit before I actually eat.
  • bubbasmom2109
    bubbasmom2109 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also wanting to get healthier and stop the stress eating. Desk jobs sure do add the lbs. I need to be more active honestly. I like the idea of motivating others and checking in from time to time.