new to MFP

Hi all... My name is Becky. I was introduced to MFP by a friend this morning. I'm looking for any ideas and all the motivation I can get. I'm 24 years old, 5' 2", and weigh about 135 lbs.

I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I want to shed some pounds. I want to lose between 10-20 pounds for my wedding in October and then be able to keep it off. I also want to lose weight because I was actually asked 3 times within a few weeks last summer if I was pregnant. I had never been more hurt and embarrassed in my entire life. Why are some people so ignorant sometimes? Ever since then I've tried to diet and exercise, but I'll do it for about a week and then quit. Then I'll get frustrated with myself again and try again and then fail, yet again.

I'm trying to get my fiance to diet and exercise with me, but he's kind of lazy sometimes. He also likes to eat fast food at least 3 times a week. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get him (and myself) moving and eating better? Any help would be great! Please and thanks!!!



  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    welcome 2 the site!!

    u could try doin a picnic with either a homecooked meal or with very good choices at the store in the deli section. that way u have 2 walk 2 ur picnic spot in the part or along the waterway or wherever u choose 2 eat & walk back. make sure that u r aware of the servin sizes.

    i'm not good with comin up with more ideas but i'm sure others will have loads of them. i'm still a newbie myself :tongue:

    & congrats on the upcomin wedding!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Guys eat out because by nature we are lazy, I think a huge thing would be communication, but dont scold him, get some recipes and cook for/with him and see if you two can do it together, in the long run it might help keeping the weight off
  • rebeccald08
    rebeccald08 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I understand being lazy. Heck, I know we all get that way at least every once in a while. :smile: I don't mind if he does it maybe once a week. But lately his habit of going out has led me to go out with him and then eat poorly. I'm working on it. I can certainly say that I'm definitely a lot better at it than I was a month or so ago. :wink:

    And thanks for the congrats for my wedding. It's 117 days away and I'm already extremely nervous and even more excited! :heart:

    I love walking too. I just have to get him to come with me. We've done it a few times. it's a nice time to just relax together and talk about things on our minds. He just graduated (YAY! :tongue:) from college, so we're starting to talk about what's next in life for the two of us.

    Again, thanks for your input!