high volume low calorie snacks and meals

bezlooney Posts: 81 Member
Im a volume eater for sure and a vegetarian. Give me your ideas for mounds of food for not alot of calories


  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    High volume/low calorie means lots of water.
    Meaning mostly watery veggies and low sugar fruit.

    Another guide I like is the Fullness Factor vs. Nutrition value of this resource:

    here's a sample chart:

    Fullness Factors for Common Foods
    Food FF
    Bean sprouts 4.6
    Watermelon 4.5
    Grapefruit 4.0
    Carrots 3.8
    Oranges 3.5
    Fish, broiled 3.4
    Chicken breast, roasted 3.3
    Apples 3.3
    Sirloin steak, broiled 3.2
    Oatmeal 3.0
    Popcorn 2.9
    Baked potato 2.5
    Lowfat yogurt 2.5
    Banana 2.5
    Macaroni and cheese 2.5
    Brown rice 2.3
    Spaghetti 2.2
    White rice 2.1
    Pizza 2.1
    Peanuts 2.0
    Ice cream 1.8
    White bread 1.8
    Raisins 1.6
    Snickers Bar 1.5
    Honey 1.4
    Sugar (sucrose) 1.3
    Glucose 1.3
    Potato chips 1.2
    Butter 0.5

    you can also use this tool:

    to search for foods that are filling and nutritious.