Insanity workout is working

now on week 3 starting to feel fat burning nite times feeling good, anyone else doing the insanity program?


  • katesmith222
    katesmith222 Posts: 7 Member
    I have ordered mine and will start Sunday. I am really nervous about it but so determined :-)
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    I Lost 25lbs With Insanity! Keep It Up And You Wint Be Dissapointed !
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I haven't lost a single pound yet (and I have a reasonable amount to lose) BUT I have lost a lot of inches and over a dress size. Currently in week one of month two and thoroughly enjoying it even if I do want to weep at the end of every workout! Great programme.
  • roxygrl9437
    roxygrl9437 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I also do Insanity... I am in week three myself. I love it and I feel I am getting better each day.
  • governatorkp
    governatorkp Posts: 89 Member

    I'm in the 2nd week of Month 2. (7th week)

    Certainly seeing results regarding increased muscle mass and more defined muscle.

    By the last week of Month 1 I did pretty much the whole workout, without needing any rests, although pushing it to the limit.
    Every new week I saw improvement in performance;
    The time where I had to take a first rest starting getting later.
    (tbh, I couldn't even make it through the warm-up the first week, without catching breath at least once)
    The amount of breaks needed got smaller.
    The duration of the breaks got shorter, faster recovery.

    Recovery week was much needed. I felt like I 'wasn't doing enough'. Although, I really advice you take the recovery week and don't add anything additonal.

    The first week of Month 2 was even more hell than the first week of the first month.
    Add to that, it was a double-day.. Wasn't an easy one.
    I'm loving the exercises, they seem to be a bit more focused on arms and lower abs as to where the first month mostly seemed to focus on quads and upper abs.

    The workouts are longer and truly..
    I'm not a sweater, barely ever sweat in casual environment or moderate exercise,
    and after a workout in the first month my whole body would be sparkling.
    But the second month..? I swear, I have to mop my floor each and every day and have to be careful not to slip during..

    I used to have many problems with exercises focused on arm in the first month, push-ups and thesuch were a big problem. Now I have no problem doing them with correct form and down low.

    Overall; Improvement is seen in the mirror, in measurements, AND in performance!

    Good luck to all of you!
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    I haven't lost a single pound yet (and I have a reasonable amount to lose) BUT I have lost a lot of inches and over a dress size. Currently in week one of month two and thoroughly enjoying it even if I do want to weep at the end of every workout! Great programme.
    dont Pay Too Much Attention To The Scale, Even If It Doesn't Change, It Doesn't Mean You Not Making Progress!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    I tried insanity and have strongly considered doing it again. Much like a previous poster, I didn't see the scale move, but I definitely felt better and I lost inches. Good luck to you :)
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    HIIT is a much better use of time than endless hours at the gym, I've never done Insanity but I do Bootcamp class at my Crossfit gym which is very similar.
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    I started the RUSHFIT program last night, kicked my butt. I think I will get a lot more out of the HIIT workouts than just endless time on the elliptical & some weights thrown in every few days. We shall see! I am sore as anything today though!
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    CandiceMcD wrote: »
    I started the RUSHFIT program last night, kicked my butt. I think I will get a lot more out of the HIIT workouts than just endless time on the elliptical & some weights thrown in every few days. We shall see! I am sore as anything today though!

    @CandiceMcD You're On To Something There! I Believe Everyone Should Lift Some Weight!

  • coleeastanglia
    coleeastanglia Posts: 9 Member
    I have lost nearly half a stone in the past week, I did not weigh myself three weeks ago but think I have lost about a stone in total. Sure I have gained muscle mass, love this program.
  • coleeastanglia
    coleeastanglia Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, I also do Insanity... I am in week three myself. I love it and I feel I am getting better each day.

  • coleeastanglia
    coleeastanglia Posts: 9 Member
    Hope we can complete the program I look forward to every workout
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    For the sake of your long term success, I encourage you to learn about gaining muscle mass while losing weight in a caloric deficit, doing a cardio intensive program like Insanity. Be happy with progress you make, but realistic in what that progress is. The likelyhood is muscle mass gains are not likely to happen, and shouldn't be a goal.
  • coleeastanglia
    coleeastanglia Posts: 9 Member
    I have completed insanity twice before, eating a lot more than normal and gained noticeable muscle, however this time I am cutting my eating it's much harder, don't think I am gaining muscle this time loosing weight and body is looking good so I am happy with that
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    I completed insanity max 30 lost 20 pounds and size. Yeach I know you look at the scale and it looks like you lost nothing but your clothes fit looser you are burning fat and gaining muscle. And muscle weighs more than fat... Now I am doing p90x3.... On my second month... After this workout I will go back to insanity... Enjoy your workout and push play... Anyone can add me for support..
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You feel fat burning at night time? Wow.