Sugar in my Diet... too much? :s

I have a sweet tooth, one so bad that someone has once insisted I'm probably addicted to sugar @_@; (not sure if that's possible but I s'pose you can get addicted to really anything if it's a mental addiction). Whenever I go shopping for low calorie foods, I find myself getting 'healthy' cookies, or sweet meal bars, and slimfast shakes. Every day when I finish my food diary, while I'm under my goal I'm always -far- over my sugar goal. I checked out my diary last night and it seriously was slimfast shakes, digestive biscuits, chocolates, peanut butter etc. as snacks. I want to try and ween myself off all the sugar because I do worry it's hindering my weight loss. I exercise 3 times a week and my dinners are healthy for the most part, but the snacking I think is a major problem.

Another problem is that I hate raw vegetables, so whenever someone suggests "have some celery" or "nibble on a radish" I'm like ICK. That cuts out what I consider the majority of healthy snacking! :(

Does anyone have an ideas on healthy, savory snacks so I can start replacing all this sugar with those instead? Any help would be appreciated!


  • MikeBenWilliams
    I also used to have some issues with sugar. Some of my favorite snacks that help me are basic fruits. Apples w/ peanut butter. Watermelon, having a banana after a workout. The only bars I think are ok are Think Thin, since they use sugar alcohol instead of straight sugar. At night is when most people have problems with the sugar so thats when I like to make protein smoothies. I'll throw some almond or coconut milk, frozen strawberries, avocado, and 1 scoop of plantfusion (its a pea based protein powder) and blend together. This definitely helps with any sugar cravings I have at night.

    I also make sure I'm eating as much whole natural food as possible for my main meals, this keeps me full. I do however about twice per week have a cheat night that usually consists of pizza and a lot of ice cream. I feel if you keep it to a minimum and work hard the rest of the time, it is not a problem. I hope this helped somewhat. :)
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    healthy, savory snacks
    The only things I usually snack on are cheese and olives. I mostly don't snack, though.
  • CubicCutie
    CubicCutie Posts: 53
    Cheese (small amounts)
    Pumpkin seeds
    Small amounts of fresh fruit but avoid dried fruits as they are SO calorific with sugar
    Peanut butter

    Fat is something that gives us that full feeling and sustains us keeping hunger at bay as well as carbs giving us energy so it may help prevent sugar cravings.

    I use Stevia sprinkled on my oats and with stewed fruit = zero cals.
  • susanr613
    susanr613 Posts: 22
    I would try first swapping your processed sugary items for more natural ones, like fruit, and sweeter veggies like carrots and jicama. You might also want to integrate protein like peanut butter. I also like nonfat plain greek yogurt with low-sugar jam mixed in.

    Then you can gradually swap the sweet stuff for more savory. My current afternoon snack is a mix of cut up fresh carrots, celery and jicama with a string cheese stick.

    I would not advise cutting out all sweet things cold turkey, because you'll probably rebound at some point. I hope that like me you are satisfied "enough" with fruit.

    Good luck!
  • susanr613
    susanr613 Posts: 22
    Oops posted twice don't know how to delete
  • didyousaynirvana
    I have the same problem! So, what I have been doing is limiting myself to 1 sugary treat a day so that I don't feel deprived but can still get a handle on my sweets issue! Instead of doing slimfast, why don't you try Atkins bars? That's what I eat and they are AMAZING! Very low net carbs, low on sugars, and decent on calories. Now, I personally am doing the Keto Diet so the fat calories are ok for me, but they can be a little high depending on what the rest of your diet looks like. Wish you well!
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    Jello sugar free pudding or plain rice cakes with PB delish....
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hmm, I think I'd work on swapping out the processed sweet foods for naturally sweet foods as a start. They are usually cheaper as well.