47 years old and need to get healthy

dbenjam5 Posts: 1 Member
i work an extremely busy job with constantly changing hours/schedule. I bought a fitness band and I'm trying to walk more throughout day. Any recommendations from the community on how to incorporate more exercise throughout the day would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Park farther away from your building entrance. Take stairs instead of the elevator. Walk on your breaks/lunch instead of sitting. There are actual websites devoted to office exercises (Google it) that can be done from your cubicle. For me, the most effective way to be more active is to plan and schedule it into my daily routine outside of work. Set aside time each day for cardio and weights, even if it's just 15 minutes to start, and then build up to more time.

    The other half of getting healthy is what you eat. Weigh everything and log it. Educate yourself about sodium and cholesterol. It's never too late to get healthy!