Is the fit bit or other devices worth the cost?

bradnerj2 Posts: 10 Member
considering getting a device to help track my activity but I don't want to spend too much money I know there is something on groupon I think it's a jawbone. Let me know your thoughts and add my newbie self as a friend!


  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I am also currently looking into which activity tracker I want to get. Do you want something that you'd wear all day long or just for your workout? I used to have a Polar tracker (I can't remember which model it was), but I really liked it and I did what I needed it to do. They are cheaper then a Fitbit, etc. But less high tech.

    I'm sure others will be able to help you more. Good luck!
  • bradnerj2
    bradnerj2 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you! I was hoping to wear all day long so I can get moving if I needs too. Also kind of like a daily reminder to make healthy choices.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't have any of those. Runkeeper does an excellent job tracking my runs...time, distance, pace, calories, etc. ...and costs me nothing.

    I have also downloaded various free apps to my phone...pacer and google fit... to get a general idea of how many steps I take and calories I burn a day. They probably aren't quite as accurate as these things you pay a lot of money for, but they are free and I don't have to carry or wear anything extra.

    That being said, if you think having all that data and a new toy will motivate you, it might be worthwhile. It can't do any harm.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Right now, the sync between Jawbone & MFP is broken:

    I have a Jawbone UP24 and a Fitbit Charge (I recently upgraded from the Fitbit Flex), and Fitbit's customer service is a million times better than Jawbone's. So I say get a Fitbit.

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Julie, yes I wear a fitbit charge. I bought mine (it is the small) and it was just under 130.00 on Amazon. The other size is something like 10.00 to 15.00 dollars more..

    I was using another tracker before I got this one. I do not have an iphone so I use the desktop dashboard (sit behind a computer all day) and love love it..

    It does everything I need it to,it tracks steps, floors, calories in and calories out, daily, weekly deficit, sleep, and create reports from your data, it has alarms you can setup to get your butt in gear or get out of bed (LOL) and it has a stop watch that will record your workouts and put it on your dashboard for you, and it interfaces with MFP and even has caller ID for your phone, etc..

    I hope this gives you background... :):)

  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I have the fitbit charge hr and I love it. The only downside to that is you can't really get it wet, like swimming and what not but other than that I love it.

    I know the polar loop and the polar A300 are very popular as well.
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    edited May 2015
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    Right now, the sync between Jawbone & MFP is broken:

    I have a Jawbone UP24 and a Fitbit Charge (I recently upgraded from the Fitbit Flex), and Fitbit's customer service is a million times better than Jawbone's. So I say get a Fitbit.

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:

    I currently use an UP24 but a lot of my collegues use the firtbit charge. I prefer the UP as it gives me more "targeted" information, but both are in my opinion good devices although I have to agree with the post above.

    They are only as good as the person using them. If you use all the functions then they are worth the money. If you need a network around you, check with your friends and co-workers as to what they use.
  • bradnerj2
    bradnerj2 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone that helps a lot!
  • tiffany0127
    tiffany0127 Posts: 378 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had a BodyMedia band and really liked it - I also felt it was very accurate but it was weird wearing it around my upper arm and people would ask what it was, etc. I now have a FitBit Charge and there are pro's and con's with it. Pro - it has a user friendly interface. You can add "friends" and you can add accountability by doing step challenges with your friends. These are the main reasons I enjoy it - motivation and awareness. Con's - it is not the most accurate. One night I was blow drying my (long, thick) hair and I run my fingers through and brush it out while I am blow drying and it counted like an extra 500 steps. CRAZY! I just remind myself that it is not 100% accurate but still gives me an idea of how many steps I am taking and calories burnt. I also do not like that I cannot wear it swimming, etc and that the data for when you are biking and things of that nature are very inaccurate. I am a numbers geek so I really enjoy comparing calories in to calories out and all of the data. I still use my Polar ft7 heart rate monitor when I work out to get a very accurate number of calories burnt during working out and I can monitor my heart rate :smile:
  • theecatt
    theecatt Posts: 31 Member
    I have a FitBit Charge HR, and love it. The constant HR monitoring is what really does it for me. The only downside: I swim 2x/week, and it can't go in a pool. But, I enter my swims into MFP, and MFP syncs with FitBit.

    The dashboard for Fitbit is very good. The only downside is that the elevation change (floors climbed) can be wildly inaccurate depending on weather patterns.

    It's small enough that it doesn't get in the way, and does everything I need from a fitness tracker (HR, time, steps counted, etc). I do supplement with smart phone apps for running/jogging, and a swim watch for swimming.
  • AndyCool22
    AndyCool22 Posts: 131 Member
    i have the fitbit zip. it was around 80 at meijer, they do sales on them most weekends. it tracks steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes. no sleep tracking.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    I have a garmin, mine was a bit more expensive, but I wanted the HRM function. To be honest, when I first got it, I did not want it! It was a gift and I was annoyed at the hint!!! Now I am loving it.... so I guess I should tell my mom, thanks for the hint!
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    I have a Fitbit Surge which is quite large for most people. I would recommend that or the Charge HR. As far as extra steps are concerned, I don't have too many problems with extra steps...I can even wave my hand around and not get extra steps!

    That being said, you can "negate" steps on the dash board by simply adding the activity "Driving" and any steps in the specified time period will simply zero out! I utilize this function a LOT because I drive my motorcycle a lot and it counts about 500-700 extra steps by the time I get home.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I got the Fitbit Zip as well. Does everything I need it to do at a reasonable price. It doesn't track my sleep or my heart rate, but does everything else. I love that it auto-synchs with MFP so all I have to do is the walking. :)
  • sandralwallace
    sandralwallace Posts: 1 Member
    A group of us at work (RNs at the VA in Pittsburgh) bought the fit bit charges. At first I didn't think I would follow through, but after three weeks I've lost five pounds just watching what I eat and trying to walk 5,000 steps at work. I'm beginning to feel the competitive spirit, however, as some of my co-workers are doing 10,000 and up steps a day and having this fit bit keeps me honest and gives me motivation. I've tried other trackers before, but this one with the support of other staff has really helped! I wear it all the time, and I was surprised at just how badly I sleep.
  • lorikh10
    lorikh10 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought the Fitbit charge then returned it because what was really important to me was the reminder to move. However, I had the alarm go off every 2 hours but I was annoyed of it because I didn't know if I walked enough or if I needed to walk more. I exchanged the charge to Garmin Vivosmart. I LOVE it ! It's so comfortable I forget I'm even wearing it, unlike the charge. It reminds to me to move and when I do I end up walking at least 2K steps because I want to get closer to my goal. It's easy to use and keep track of it. I have an alarm set to wake me up which is nice. The charge though has a really nice app and counted stairs. Although mines seemed off point at times. I think you should just buy it and test it out. I personally love my Vivosmart
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    I don't have any of those. [...] That being said, if you think having all that data and a new toy will motivate you, it might be worthwhile. It can't do any harm.

    Agree with the above but I would prefer to call fitness trackers a tool. not a toy - it's all on how you approach using them.

    I don't have a wear-everywhere tracker. Google Fit, a free app on every Android device, is enough to motivate me. When it came out I soon grew addicted to being sure I filled out my daily quotient of activity. That's all I needed from an "activity" tracker and as my phone is generally always on me, I'd no need to spend more.

    Last fall I'd installed Strava, a free version - available on web / Android / iPhone - on my Nexus smart phone and I'm so glad I did. It covers all my running and cycling history, the only things I really care to track in more detail. Google Fit takes the data from Strava into account so it isn't duplicated so now I've got running, cycling, and general movement all covered, for free. Strava updates to MFP, too.

    That all said I also own a Garmin running/cycling watch (you can see where I'm going with my own personal preferences) that includes integration with a chest-strap heart rate monitor. I added the Forerunner much later down the line and only after I decided to step up my running training several notches. I was otherwise doing fine with the phone in a small waist pack (SPI Belt) but had killed the screen with accumulated sweat and rain over many runs. Decided a running watch in addition to the other benefits would be cheaper than repairing or replacing cell phones several times a year and is a whole lot more convenient than putting a cell phone in a zip-lock bag each run. Most often I leave the phone behind now except for very long runs.

    Phones are not waterproof or even water resistant. Some fitness trackers are water resistant, not waterproof, and some you can wear in the pool.
  • mystery_of_me
    mystery_of_me Posts: 8 Member
    I like the negate option! I didn't know you could do that! I have a Fitbit Zip, and I attach it to my bra during the day and on my waist pant during the night. I thought if I wore a Charge, Flex or Surge, it would overcount my steps if I use my arms a lot (which I tend to do when talking, and when I'm playing piano). I love my Zip because it's the cheapest of the Fitbits but the downside is I have to replace it with a CR2025 battery every 3 months (but they're about $1 each on eBay). I sync it with MFP and it's been great for a year and half for me!
  • kellyzita4
    kellyzita4 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Julianne! I have a Fitbit One and it has made such a big difference for me. It tracks my steps and syncs with MFP, adjusting my daily calorie goal as needed based on my activity level. Plus, it gives me encouragement throughout the day (it's totally cheesy, but I love to see that vine picture grow). And, since I'm my own worst competition, I challenge myself each day to get a few more steps in than I did the day before.
  • lonerockz
    lonerockz Posts: 100 Member
    I have a Microsoft Band. It's not as popular as the Fitbit, but I really like the device. I would STRONGLY recommend that you get one with integrated heart rate monitoring like the Band or the Fitbit ChargeHR. Knowing what you heart rate is while you work out is really important. I start my workouts with 10 minutes of Stairmaster. 3 months ago this 10 minutes was a 200 calorie burn; now my body is used to it and its about 160 calories. Without HR monitoring, I would not know this. As your body adjusts you need to adjust your exercise plan to keep up the burn numbers.