struggling to gain weight!

Hi, im 18 years old and have always struggled to gain weight.. its only the past few months that it has begun to really affect me in that im desperate to lose my boyish figure (being 5'2 doesn't help). I have been doing weights since last Summer but not consistently. I mainly focus on my legs and do ab workouts. I know that gaining weight means losing definition but I still try to at least feel as though im working out and keeping fit haha. I just want to know what I should be including in my diet to gain some weight!


  • ricardo510diaz
    ricardo510diaz Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2015
    You should forget the ab workouts and get on a solid lifting program with big compounds if you aren't already, stronglifts 5x5 would be a good place to start. I used to be in a similar boat, had a scrawny boyish body so what I did to start gaining weight was drinking whole milk, eating a ton of oatmeal, and eating a ton of peanut butter. One thing us skinny guys always think is "I do eat; I eat a ton" and that's usually not really true.

    Two of my easy signature calorie dense meals:
    1 cup of quaker oats
    1 cup whole milk
    1-1.5 servings peanut butter
    Microwave oats and milk together; stir in peanut butter when done and enjoy.

    3 slices of whole wheat bread
    enough peanut butter to make a 3 layer sandwich
    a cup of milk on the side
    Make a three layer sandwich and enjoy.

    They're both pretty much the same thing lol but eat enough of that and you'll start bulking up in no time. Other no-brainers would be beef, eggs, beans, and rice. One point I would make is to avoid the peanut butter around your workout and to buy the natty kind, not Skippy or any of that nonsense.
  • rlynch2401
    rlynch2401 Posts: 11 Member
    I actually started stronglifts! However I was told that it would not be suitable for me.. I guess I need to find a decent routine and stick to it to begin with! I can't stand peanut butter :( I will have to try to get over it and eat as much as possible anyway. Thank you!
  • ricardo510diaz
    ricardo510diaz Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2015
    rlynch2401 wrote: »
    I actually started stronglifts! However I was told that it would not be suitable for me.. I guess I need to find a decent routine and stick to it to begin with! I can't stand peanut butter :( I will have to try to get over it and eat as much as possible anyway. Thank you!

    Why was it not suitable out of curiosity? Really any program based around the main compound lifts: squat, bench, deadlift, and rows/pull ups would be ideal so long as it was consistent.

    And if you can get over it, peanut butter is one of the best bulking foods out there as it's relatively inexpensive and super calorie dense, have you tried a natural kind? The Skippy/Jiff brands pale in comparison when it comes to deliciousness. Just my two cents, but peanut butter is my weakness; if I were bulking I would be eating that stuff all day.