Do u suffer from b*tchy resting face?



  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I was told in high school by a classmate that she always thought I was a snob because of my facial expression or that I didn't say "Hi" to her ever. Ummm I was SHY! LOL I'm sorry I didn't say hi to people I didn't know!!! My goodness!!!! I'm far from snobby and am actually very friendly!!!! :D
    Gimme a hug!
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I was told in high school by a classmate that she always thought I was a snob because of my facial expression or that I didn't say "Hi" to her ever. Ummm I was SHY! LOL I'm sorry I didn't say hi to people I didn't know!!! My goodness!!!! I'm far from snobby and am actually very friendly!!!! :D
    Gimme a hug!

    You certainly look friendly :) I'm shy too!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Lol Thanks, Kristy!! Most of the time I am smiling and laughing, I'm a fairly bubbly person. But when I'm concentrating on something or just *out of it* I don't have the friendliest face I guess! LOl
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    *sigh* I suppose I do. Literally all day at work everyone is always telling me to smile. It's kind of upsetting like...why do I have to smile all day? I guess I always look sad/upset/angry/bored it's kind of upsetting because I'm generally not, I'm just very focused. I dont' go to work to have fun and make friends I'm just a naturally introverted person, but if they knew me outside of any work situation they'd know I dont' really smile alot then either unless I'm laughing. It's not that I'm angry or bored just...why do you HAVE to have a smile just because you're happy?
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Yup. People are always asking me "what's wrong?" or as they walk by me they'll say "Smile, it can't be that bad".

    Who does that? Who smiles ALL the time? If I see someone smiling to themselves like a fool, not talking to anyone, I worry they're off their meds! I got that "I always thought you were a snob, but turns out you're pretty nice!".
    Sorry, that's just the way my face goes.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Normally it's not a problem and people think I'm just serious, smart, and focused, but when I injured my leg and was on crutches for a month people kept stopping and checking to see if I was okay (like serious double takes and walking out of their way to ask). Like they thought I was close to tears or something. :laugh:
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I don't, but a friend of mine does. No-one asks her for directions and people do not try to start a conversation with her in a line-up. She just looks angry all the time.

    This is my life. lol. The irony is that the more I get asked/ridiculed about "looking" angry.... I actually do become angry. My Mother was plagued with it, My Grandmother... she still looks angry. I blame being 1/2 Norse. lol (The other half is Irish but that only comes out when I drink, haha )
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    "I thought you were really mean until i got to know you."

    i've heard that more than once

    ^^I've heard that many times myself.

    If I'm not smiling, people think I'm pissed, b*tchy or don't like them.

    Everywhere I've ever worked. lol.
  • caffeinekandie
    Well not suffering but yes. Both my parents and my partner too. I'm constantly being asked what has pissed me off. I always respond with "this is how my face looks". I had it mentioned on a review at work when I had only been there a few weeks, as has my dad too. I like it because it keeps strangers from talking to me.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Not my resting face, but apparently when I concentrate I look very angry.

    This...and I get the "intimidating" comment all the time. In my line of work, this would usually be a complement of sorts....if I was a man. :/
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    People always say that I look angry, so I guess so.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I have a naturally downturned mouth as my resting face so I do look a little unhappy most of the time. Human version of grumpy cat?

    But I'm smiling all the time so I don't think too many people notice. When I tired though people always think I'm angry.
  • Winston1717
    Winston1717 Posts: 184
    Yep....all the time!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I do contemporary dance theatre and movement comedy. Being expressive with my body and face was one of my talents that got me there. Being able to embody characters and emotions that people can connect to in serious and in humorous ways. This takes a type of empathy to be able to embody characters in a fully believable manner and reach people at that level. So, the thing I am always told is that my face is very expressive. People say they always know what I am feeling by the way my face reacts (they are accurate in their assessments). There are certainly times when people know what I am feeling before it has fully registered to me (I think this is common based on what I have learned about neuroscience, people just don't know it is happening in their own experiences). The vast majority of time I am very happy, joyful, content. I am happy with my life. I have seen the darkest side of life, so I know the flip side, which makes regular life very rewarding and relieving to me. But, when I do in fact get angry, it takes a lot to get me there, people know it, they stop, they listen and will pretty much do whatever I say. I do have PTSD, so when I reach into that place of having been angered, I am in a triggered place in which all of my alert, alarms are sounding and I am in full force protection mode. It has served me well at times when I really needed it. But, no I don't look unhappy or *****y when I am not. I am more shy than people realize because I come across as being very confident, so sometimes when I am quiet it can lead to misunderstandings with others. They interpret it as my lack of interest or rejection of them, but really I am just in a shy place (feeling a little bit of anxiety or apprehension in that moment).
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    People tell me all the time that I look angry...which is why I'm only showing you my belly button. It doesn't seem to have the same issues as my face.
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