Loosing weight so slowly....

I'm about 100 pounds over weight and I've been eating 1200 calories a day and exercising about three times a week for three weeks now... And it's dissapointing to be loosing only 1/2 a pound a day and then after the weekend ( where I don't exercise and tend to eat badly) I gain back 1 or 2 pounds.


  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    1. You're not losing too slowly--3.5 pounds a week is very fast
    2. You should probably be eating more, actually, to properly fuel your workouts
    3. You're seeing water weight after "eating badly," not actual fat gain
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Half a pound a day is extremely quick. .5-2 pounds per week is what you should be aiming for, and it sounds like you're in that range. Are you logging your weekends? Do you eat your exercise calories back?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    So how much have you lost over 3 weeks? Check your logging to ensure you are at a sufficient deficit and then start to change your mindset so your expectations are realistic and you are prepared to have some patience. Besides some initial waterweight loss then healthy weight loss tends to be in the c 1-2lbs a week category.

    1/2lb a day is 3.5lbs a week , which makes your loss from 1.5-2.5lbs a week? Are you creating a deficit that adds up to substantially more than 5250-8750 calories a week?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sounds like, at 100 pounds to lose, you're not eating enough during the week and then binging on the weekend. How tall are you?

    You might have more success and sustainability if you eat more during the week and less on the weekends.

    Think slow but steady.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    1/2 a pound a day is a huge loss. Get control of the weekends - maybe eat a reasonable amount during the week so you're not feeling so deprived and going overboard on the weekend. I'd never survive on only 1200 a day.