Weight loss exercises

owison Posts: 7 Member
I'm still very new to this all, I've been back and forth on dieting for a long time now and after watching my mom lose so much, I'm beyond motivated.
HOWEVER, weight loss isn't my expertise, and hearing from people to do cardio, then another saying cardio does nothing and to weight train, etc. is more exhausting than my gym visits. Can you guys give me any good exercise routines, or tips, or anything that can be beneficial to me and my journey?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well, for starters you need to fix your diet and make sure you're in a deficit first. Creating a deficit from exercise alone is difficult. Then pick something you love and that you will keep up with. Something sustainable that you will continue even after you lose. Cardio burns calories and will allow you to eat a bit more, and it's good for cardiovascular health. Strength training will allow you to hold on to more muscle as you lose fat. We lose both fat and muscle in a deficit, but you can save muscle if you eat the appropriate amount of protein and strength train. This will give you a nicer body composition once you get down to goal weight.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Weight loss starts in the kitchen with a calorie deficit. Eat less than you burn (and keep in mind that you burn a lot just living life, which is why MFP gives you a goal to hit that's already accounted for that) at an appropriate deficit, log your food accurately, and do exercises that you enjoy (cardio will help strengthen your heart and give you a bit more to eat if you like, strength/resistance training will help you retain muscle mass).
  • owison
    owison Posts: 7 Member
    I've already started the diet aspect of things, counting calories and keeping an eye on what I eat. The exercise aspect is what confuses me. With so many opinions and websites it's really hard to keep up.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    owison wrote: »
    I've already started the diet aspect of things, counting calories and keeping an eye on what I eat. The exercise aspect is what confuses me. With so many opinions and websites it's really hard to keep up.

    What do you like to do? Run? Dance? Sports?
  • owison
    owison Posts: 7 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    owison wrote: »
    I've already started the diet aspect of things, counting calories and keeping an eye on what I eat. The exercise aspect is what confuses me. With so many opinions and websites it's really hard to keep up.

    What do you like to do? Run? Dance? Sports?

    I like to walk, bike ride, things like that. My gym visits lately have been a mile on the elliptical, then working on my arms and a little on my legs, I just feel like those might not be my best options.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    owison wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    owison wrote: »
    I've already started the diet aspect of things, counting calories and keeping an eye on what I eat. The exercise aspect is what confuses me. With so many opinions and websites it's really hard to keep up.

    What do you like to do? Run? Dance? Sports?

    I like to walk, bike ride, things like that. My gym visits lately have been a mile on the elliptical, then working on my arms and a little on my legs, I just feel like those might not be my best options.

    The best option is the one you like, and you will keep up with. Walking is great, treadmill/elliptical-fine. Are you interested in lifting or body weight exercises? Do you want to try HIIT training for your cardio?
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    It doesn't have to be one or the other. I started with low endurance, mediocre strength and awful flexibility and balance. Each of those require different exercises to address. Focus on the underlying functional needs, not which will take off an additional tenth of a pound.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    edited May 2015
    Glitch. Disregard