pounds lost question

ncarlson4 Posts: 3 Member
Anyone know why my pounds lost is not changing? I have lost 11 lbs so far butt my profile still says 0...so frustrating. Do I need to close and open a new account? Thanks!


  • Kaemuongmul
    Kaemuongmul Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    I found that this happened when I was using two applications to record weight. I had first input a weight in to MyFitnessPal, just guessed what weight I was. Then after a week or so, got a fit bit and a scale and found that I'd underestimated my weight and put in the correct weight on FitBit.

    I would keep loosing weight but it would always stick at 0 on MyFitnessPal because I'd put in an incorrect weight.
    Hope that helps.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Is it possible that your weight was once lower than it is now on MFP? You should be able to tell by going to "Reports" and choosing "weight" (it's probably defaulted to that) and then "last year." That should show you the measurements for the past year. If you see something you want to change, then you can go to "My Home", "Check In" and look just above the "Save Changes" button...you'll see a link which says "edit previous entries." You can delete any previous entry that had a lower weight.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Go to your profile, click on Check In at the top, then go to "Edit Previous Entries". Look at your starting weight there, and make sure it is right. If not, change it. You can also look there to make your your entered weights are correct.