Strong Curves...Help needed!!

kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
I purchased this book and have read but probably didnt help that I purchased/read it via the kindle app as its not easy to go back to pages etc so I'm not understanding the programme for the 12 week beginners full body i.e What does A1, A2, B1 etc mean? I was only wanting to incorporate the programme twice per week which Bret says you can do but which workouts do I do if it says "week 1-4 complete on workout day 3"...Im super confused!! :-(


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    A1/A2 and B1/B2 are supersets. You do your reps for A1 and go straight to those for A2. Rest 30-90 seconds and then repeat, rest again and repeat once more. There's a note about this on the bottom of page 96 but you might not have noticed it on the Kindle version. If possible, I would return the ebook and get the hard copy. If you want to take it to the gym just take pictures of the pages you need.

    I don't think he suggests exactly what to do if you're doing it twice a week. I would probably do A and B the first week, C and A the next, B and C the next until I got through 4 of each. Then I'd move on to the next phase. It will extend the program, of course, but I can't think of another way to do it without cutting out good exercises.
  • ashtonladkins
    ashtonladkins Posts: 20 Member
    I just purchased this book yesterday and I am excited to get started! There was a Strong Curves Group page on MFP, but it doesn't seem very active...

    I'm curious for you jemhh, did you try to incorporate any extra cardio in while doing the SC program?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yeah, the SC group is not active. If you are on Facebook, there is a closed group called SC Ladies. You'll have to ask to join but it's a pretty active group and people are friendly there.

    @ashtonladkins, I did some cardio. It was over the winter so I mostly walked on the treadmill. I'm a fair weather runner and loathe running on the treadmill and on indoor tracks so I took the winter off. I did the walking program at the link below, but just 2-3 times a week, not 4x/wk.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks "jemhh" for our reply, also I was wanting to do this programme at home but dont have all the equipment i.e. front lat pulldown or a bodyweight 45 degree back extenstion, therefore am I allowed to substitute these exercises with ANY of the substitute exercises listed on the back pages?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yep, go ahead and use a substitute. I think there's one in there for doing the back extension on a ball, if you have one of those at home. For the lat pulldown, you can do a row or--this was mentioned on the FB page--if you have exercise bands you can loop one over a bar or beam above your head and pull down on the ends. You'd need a series of bands for progressive resistance but it is a viable alternative.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Thank You...One more (probably stupid question - sorry), how do you know which substitute exercise to do? i.e. you said the substitute exercise for the 45 degree back extension can be done on the ball but how did you know this? Does it say somethere which exercise substitute the ones your not able to do at home etc....

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The part in the back that describes each exercise tells which muscles they work. I would find the exercise that you don't have the equipment for and then look at the pages right around it to see which other exercises work the same muscles (or at least the same primary muscles.) Find one that you can do with the equipment that you have and do that. Or if you find that you don't have the equipment for any of the substitutes, search online for another substitute.