Lose 20 Lbs by the End of August 2015 Challenge! Join us!



  • chrisdell21
    chrisdell21 Posts: 54 Member
    I'd like to give it a try. I'm going to need the help for sure. Plus will help a lot for my personal goal to lose 30 by November.
  • Palmetto0208
    Palmetto0208 Posts: 20 Member
    I am late seeing this but I would love to join!
  • qandbpetersen
    qandbpetersen Posts: 1 Member
    Will try it :)
  • kam10488
    kam10488 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join as well. Have been logging everyday and signed up for a summer fitness challenge. Feel free to add me if you need support. I could use the extra motivation too!
  • Snugglebutt2014
    Snugglebutt2014 Posts: 78 Member
    Count me in!!!
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    That's my goal anyway, and since it's supposed to be better with a community, I'm in! :)
  • Dawn410
    Dawn410 Posts: 120 Member
    I'd like to join if possible. I really need to kick this weight. I'm meeting with a personal trainer next week and starting the women's health best body diet tomorrow. Time to get serious about this! My 10th wedding anniversary is mid-august, and if I could be 20 lbs lighter by then, it would be awesome! I'd be the same size I was when we got married ( and I thought I was huge back then...ack!)
  • Sch614
    Sch614 Posts: 73 Member
    I'd love to join you too! Summer goes by quickly so I'm happy to get started with others who also want to be healthier!
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    edited July 2015
    The original group is no longer active or available. To keep @Myweightlossdiary 's dream alive and to continue the support and incredible progress we were all making, I am creating a new group. I can't make the fancy charts, but I will create threads each week through the end of August so that we can track our own progress and support each other. I'm going to make it an open group because I don't know that I have the time to approve everyone that's joining and don't know much about running an MFP group.

    One thing is necessary: support each other and be kind.

    I don't have the original membership list so I am just posting this here in case those didn't see the thread that started about the group disappearing. I am leaving the group open so that people can join with ease.

    **This is just a redux of the original June thread that was started here. I am not promoting or recommending losing 20lbs by the end of August from today's date.**
