On days you do NOT work out, do you go over your calorie limit for the day?



  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    If you're fairly consistent on your workouts, you could look at TDEE method so you can spread out the workout calories and not be so restricted on rest days.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Since you won't give info it's hard to judge whether or not your goal is appropriate or not, don't worry we're strangers and not going to judge.

    According to Scooby's workship,
    A 25 year old woman that has a desk job who weighs
    160 lbs - 1844 calories per day just to maintain weight
    140 lbs - 1739 calories per day just to maintain weight

    Now that's for someone who is sitting on their butt doing nothing and not including gym time. If you want to lose 1 pound per week that is a 500 cal deficit per day, not including exercise. If I were you I wouldn't net below 1,200 for any reason, it's really not healthy.

    Also keep in mind that 118 to 154 lbs is within the normal weight range for someone who is 5'6. If you are within that range I'd start considering re-evaluating your goals. If you want to achieve that "toned" look you'll need to have some muscle. Pick up heavy things and check out new rules for lifting for women, it'll get you the results you want.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Jenn3878 wrote: »
    Ok, it looks like I have a lot to learn and research. I will figure out what I need to up my calorie intake to. Thank you all for your help!

    All the links already provided include this to, but this one may be of particular interest for you:
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Ok, I give in. I'm about 220 lbs right now. Ugh.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Jenn3878 wrote: »
    Ok, I give in. I'm about 220 lbs right now. Ugh.

    That's nothing to be ashamed about, you're here and that's what counts. Take advantage of the resources here on the site and make sure you track as accurately as possible.

    Also, avoid using generic entries in your diary when you can. Get a food scale to measure solids in grams (even peanut butter counts as solid) and use a measuring cup for liquids only.

    Scooby's recommends a maintenance calorie goal of 2159, you can figure out your deficit from there. I'd recommend a nice and easy 1 lb per week, that's 1659 calories per day before any exercise. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member

    I started at 204, now down to 197. Not much but I'm happy about the small changes. I have my goal set to 1 lb per week because I know that the extra calories will allow me more room to eat thus not be hungry and binge on something bad. I'm at 1430 daily calories for 1 lb loss per week and I'm finding it okay. I am 5'2. You can add me as a friend if you want to look at my diary. I do have treats still but have changed how I eat in the last month...mostly eating at home. If I want to go over I look at how I am doing for "the week" now. I want all of this to be sustainable long term and no quick fixes so teaching myself some new techniques instead of who cares today, worry about it tomorrow...if you up your calories for less loss per week-you could always try to cut it a tiny bit each day if you are worried about it.

  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    a suggestion for cutting calories is replacing the 425 calorie chicken wrap at lunch with a steamable bag of broccoli and 4 oz turkey or chicken breast. You can save close to 200 calories this way and have the extra later on in the evening. Then maybe have a bag of 100 calorie popcorn or pretzels or PB2 powdered peanut butter and sugar free jelly with only 10 calories per tablespoon. The lowest calorie greek yogurt is Dannon Light and Fit greek for only 80 calories.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I use the IIFYM methodology. You should look into that too if you have this problem. It sets you more realistic goals for your Macros and you have to hit them everyday (whether you workout or not) and you dont count workout calories ever. They are already accounted for based on what you say your average workout is like in the formula.

    I also feel this way is slightly healthier because it puts a little more emphasis on the Macros rather than just calories. This will give you a better all around diet versus just eating calories no matter whether they are all carbs or all protein.
    I totally agree!!!

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Jenn3878 wrote: »
    It's low? Really? That's just what MFP gave me.

    What stats do you want? I'm 5'6". I'd rather not say my actual weight right now. I'd like to lose 1-2 lbs a week.

    1200 is the minimum for a sedentary female and usually is for a 2 Lb per week loss. That doesn't sound like a lot, but 2 Lbs per week is pretty aggressive...that's 1,000 calories per day less than you would need to maintain. It sounds like you are at a weight where you can safely sustain that kind of deficit for the time being, but that doesn't mean it will be pleasant and it will certainly be less pleasant on non-workout days.

    At that kind of calorie intake you're going to want to focus on very lean protein sources and veg. You need some healthy fats as well, so some maybe some nuts, avocado, and cooking some veg in a bit of olive oil. The easiest things to drop here are going to be grains, wraps, etc....

    Also, look at it this way...if you go over, you're still going to be in a deficit...just a smaller one. I think a lot of people for get that their calorie goal is their deficit and often it is a rather huge deficit from their maintenance calories. Even if you ate 1500 calories you'd still be in a substantial calorie deficit.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    1200 is super low. But a 334 calorie dinner is pretty normal for me. I scramble 2 eggs and add in as many veggies as I can until I hit 334. You can add a couple small zucchinis, mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach, etc and have a HUGE plate of food and still be within your 334 calories.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited May 2015
    My calorie count is 2050. I don't even eat that much on days like today when I do work out. Although I do need to eat more because I am starting to lose weight again when I should be maintaining.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited May 2015
    If the people here knew how much I moved and train (why I log 1 calorie for my workouts and erace MFP calories everyday) I would be told to get medical help but have lost over 100lbs eating 1600- 3000 calories a day. My pictures tell the truth
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    a suggestion for cutting calories is replacing the 425 calorie chicken wrap at lunch with a steamable bag of broccoli and 4 oz turkey or chicken breast. You can save close to 200 calories this way and have the extra later on in the evening. Then maybe have a bag of 100 calorie popcorn or pretzels or PB2 powdered peanut butter and sugar free jelly with only 10 calories per tablespoon. The lowest calorie greek yogurt is Dannon Light and Fit greek for only 80 calories.

    This is what I started doing. Nix the wrap and just have the middle parts and I have 200 calories for something else later on.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    On days you do NOT work out, do you go over your calorie limit for the day?


    But then ... I have to be sick or something to not get at least a 20 min walk in.
  • DanPonting
    DanPonting Posts: 25 Member
    If you're not working out, you don't need carbs on that day.

    Metabolic flexibility is where your body can switch between using glucose and fats for fuel. Ideally, this is where we're all striving to be.
    If you're not working out, you don't need carbs that day. Increase your fats, and keep protein at whatever level you usually do. This will also help to increase insulin sensitivity.

    On my rest days I drop to BMR calories and replace calories from carbs, with calories from fats.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    The only reason I had that chicken wrap is because I went to lunch with coworkers. It's not what I would normally eat.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited May 2015
    Jenn3878 wrote: »
    The only reason I had that chicken wrap is because I went to lunch with coworkers. It's not what I would normally eat.

    Don't feel guilty you can still eat those I'm going to have an 1100 calorie calzone today and love every bite of it!! The key is calories calories calories!! I rode my bike 17 miles this morning so 400 calories in the bank I can withdrawal at will or not..

    35 year old, 5'6' tall, weight 220

    Figure out your TDEE google it and put in your info. I did it for you-- Your BMR is 1758 and your TDEE is 2417 so drop your calories to 1917 and you will lose 1lbs a week- drop your calories to 1417 and you will lose 2 lbs per week. Personally I would go in between and do 1667 a day 78 lb loss in a year.. The best part is one year from now you can weigh 142 lbs if you just follow the calories!! You can do it so many have you just have to put your mind to it!!
    Now go have an amazing day!!

  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    I think you can spare a few hundred more and still lose quickly.
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Also, look at it this way...if you go over, you're still going to be in a deficit...just a smaller one.
    And this ^ It took me a few weeks to wrap my head around that one. Now I don't stress that my diet is blown if I go over by a hundred calories; I just understand that the loss will be a little slower.