PMS-Help, Ladies

PMS is killing me. I've been counting calories for months with no progress. Every month I do well until about 10 days before my period starts, then PMS kicks in and all hell breaks loose. I feel like I'm starving all day every day, no matter how much I eat- I'll even eat until I make myself sick. I'm so tired that I can barely function, let alone exercise, to make matters worse. Once it finally ends I'll go back to counting calories and exercising successfully, only to undo any progress again the next month. I'm so frustrated and ready to give up. Has anyone else dealt with this?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I would say PMS that causes the "PMS ick" to last 10 day a month and cannot function, would warrant a doctor's visit... I am not sure that I have ever seen someone this "sick" from PMS...

    Also the way you eat during this time, worries me... you eat until you make your self sick sometimes... this surely does not help matters... :(:(
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Odd. It's probably different for everybody, but exercise actually makes me feel loads better. I just try to avoid excess sodium to avoid the bloat nasties as best I can. It may be TMI, but today (I'm in the PMS boat this week), I made space for a small treat of low-glycemic bread with some almond butter and agave syrup to make sure I'm taking care of those carby/sweet cravings.
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    It worries me too because I do not eat that way normally. I have seen a doctor who prescribed zoloft for PMDD, but the side effects are too severe for me to handle.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    YES. So much yes. Every month... I do great for 2-3 weeks, then I have a week of hell and undo all my progress. It actually happens when I ovulate now too, for a couple days, so I actually gained a pound last month... and well on track to gain a pound this month again. At this rate I'm terrified I'm going to gain all the weight back. I've lost 80 pounds, but been stuck 2-3 pounds from my goal for almost a year, when it started happening.

    I always hope next month is going to be easier, and it never is. Like yesterday (I'm ovulating)... I wasn't satisfied until I had eaten 3300 calories... and my maintenance is 2200. It's completely heartbreaking for me... and I know it's going to happen again in a week or so, when PMS hits...

    But I'm sorry, I'm not much help, I haven't found a way to make it go away. I've tried to fill up on high volume/low calorie foods but it doesn't seem to do anything. Complex carbs seem to help the most, but it only works for a couple hours until I'm starving again. Salmon *seemed* to help a little last time and I need to try again... and to try higher fat foods. I actually tried a bigger lunch today with more fat (38g - cheese, eggs, sausage) and it's been 3 hours and I'm not very hungry yet... so that might be worth trying again. Or maybe it's just because I ate so much yesterday that it's not as bad today. Who knows. My plan next time I see it coming is a 3 egg omelet with salmon and spinach...

    I'll be watching this thread...
  • 49ermama
    49ermama Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried homeopathic remedies for PMS, I get some relief
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    Im glad Im not the only one! Someone else posted a thread about this today too and got a reponse suggesting magnesium supplements. Im willing to try anything short of ssris at this point!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Im glad Im not the only one! Someone else posted a thread about this today too and got a reponse suggesting magnesium supplements. Im willing to try anything short of ssris at this point!

    I'll have to look into that. Seriously, same boat, I completely get it, lol.
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    49ermama wrote: »
    Have you tried homeopathic remedies for PMS, I get some relief

    Im about to try the magnesium supplements and I did have relief from some symptoms with vitamin b complex +12 in the past.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    49ermama wrote: »
    Have you tried homeopathic remedies for PMS, I get some relief

    Im about to try the magnesium supplements and I did have relief from some symptoms with vitamin b complex +12 in the past.

    I just read about grated coconut helping. Hmmm. I have some coconut. Will have to give it a shot next time.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Have you thought about getting a hormonal IUD? For me atleast it seems to have taken care of nearly all of my PMS symptoms. I got it inserted in January, had a rather long period in February and then haven't had anything since. I still know when I'm ovulating but as for PMS symptoms I'm pretty much 100% free of them. It doesn't work this way for everyone but I know a lot of other people who have had similar results as mine.
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    Synthetic hormones and I dont agree, unfortunately. I had my tubes tied because I couldnt find birth control that didnt cause terrible side effects.
    Ive just found this doing a bit of research and I think I'm going to try adding the vit b and magnesium supplements.Synthetic hormones and I dont agree, unfortunately. I had my tubes tied because I couldnt find birth control that didnt cause side effects.
    Ive been doing some resarch and I think I'm going to try adding the vit b and magnesium supplements. I would post a link but I dont know how!
  • brinktofit89
    brinktofit89 Posts: 5 Member
    Some things that have helped me in the past: cutting out refined sugar (did this well before pms striked), had much more dairy products or anything with calcium (once again worked better if I started before pms normally begins, much better if it was just after my period), and cut out caffeine and alcohol that week of pms. I take a supplement with magnesium and calcium and during months where my eating wasn't fab, it helps with pms a bit, but not as much as including more dairy products. That has always helped make me feel less hungry and less fatigued. I find caffeine is also the worst offender (for me). Obviously I think it all is just trying things out and figuring out what works for you. Checking to see if your iron is low could be a possibility as well. And I feel you on the exercise thing. A few days before that time of the month I get really exhausted, but try to exercise. Sometimes I only get a good 10 minutes in and I just feel worse than before I started. I always attempt at least 10 minutes and if I feel worse then I listen to my body and rest. Good luck! Keep trying things out for sure!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't do well with hormonal treatments either. Good thing my husband's sperm sucks.
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't do well with hormonal treatments either. Good thing my husband's sperm sucks.

    Lucky! :D
  • itsafatrose
    itsafatrose Posts: 34 Member
    Some things that have helped me in the past: cutting out refined sugar (did this well before pms striked), had much more dairy products or anything with calcium

    I do crave tons of dairy during pms, so that makes sense to me.
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member
    I'm gonna blame the past 6 months of weight gain and moodiness on PMS.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I used to, I would have borderline PMDD (undiagnosed, but my symptoms were fairly severe enough for me to know that they were not normal).

    What seemed to work for me was 1. incorporating exercise on an almost daily basis, even if it was only for 20 minutes; and 2. Increasing my carbs for those 10 or so days. I'd manage to stay within my calorie limit (or I would just eat at maintenance), but it seemed to control my cravings. Like for dinner, I would just eat a bowl of plain pasta with some butter and salt. On a normal day that sounds so unappetizing, but during that TOM, it hit the spot, let me tell you. :)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I used to get raging PMS but since I started Nuva ring I'm only 1/2 the b*tch I used to be and I don't get those crazy cravings as much
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm gonna blame the past 6 months of weight gain and moodiness on PMS.

    Ok that kind of posts makes me angry. PMS is not some random excuse.

    Either that or it's such a coincidence that I turn into a bottomless pit just a week before my period every single month. And it's funny how it's the only time of the month when I really don't care that much about eating sweets either.

    But yeah, pasta with salt and butter... totally. Guess what I had for dinner last night!

    Ok so I still have a bit of those ovulation hormonal symptoms and had some plain Greek yogurt with a bit of stevia and some unsweetened coconut and it actually seemed to help. I'm satisfied now. So I'm definitely saving that trick for next time. And ordering some magnesium supplements (although I never have those chocolate cravings people keep talking about around that time).
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Worth trying:

    The seeds to help with progesterone boosting apparently reduce the symptoms of PMS. My symptoms have improved with healthier eating (which is so hard when you crave every carb in sight!).

    Hope you find a solution.