1220 Calories A Day - Suggestions?

Hi everyone, my calorie intake for the day needs to be 1220. I was hoping I could get some suggestions on meal ideas and exercises.


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Just throwing this out there, if your profile is correct you could start out at way more than 1220 calories and still lose weight, unless there's some sort of medical condition going on.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Eat what you like to eat.. it's that simple... just eat less of it...

    If you are not sure how many calories are in the food you eat now, log it every day for a week.. You will get the hang of it..

    As far as exercise, this too has to be based on your fitness level now, something you love to already do (and if that is nothing.. then start out walking, etc..) and decide if you will go to a gym, exercise at home and indoors or outdoors...

    Need to put a plan together.. It sounds like you created your MFP account with no plan or goal in place such as how you were going to loose the weight... Do some research, and read all the "stickies" at the beginning of each forum.. you will learn a lot of valuable information on how all of this works..

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Just throwing this out there, if your profile is correct you could start out at way more than 1220 calories and still lose weight, unless there's some sort of medical condition going on.

    Before we tell her to eat more... she just started today...

    OP if you are not sure if MFP setup the right calorie goal for you... Just know that you should eat back up to 50% of the calories you plan to exercise. This would allow you to eat the 1200+ your exercise that you log every day... the key to the exercise question is how will you track your exercise... if you use MFP, the 50% is recommended...

    For example: if you walk briskly for 30 minutes and MFP gives you 250 calories, eat 1/2 this back... MFP has no way to determine exactly the exercise calorie burn and can over estimate the calories so you might end up eating more of them back..

    This would cause you to eat more than you may want to loose weight.. Only time would tell if you were "eating too much" to loose weight..

  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    I try to eat 1100-1200 per day if you want to look at my diary you can get some ideas. Also I like burning 400 cal walking or exerciseing a day
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i can eat anywhere from 1200 to 1800... sometimes more (though i try not to make that a habit LOL). lately a lot of beer (really stressful time right now- but hey im within my calories so its all good LOL)

    i do exercise and eat back and i do eat out a lot (hence the exercise) but i dont cook special meals or anything at home, just eat normal stuff we always have...
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    MFP gives me 1250 plus exercise so I try to eat around 1400/day when I exercise. Here's what I do:
    Breakfast 300
    Lunch 400
    3pm Snack 200
    Dinner 400
    9pm snack 100-200 depending on exercise calories left.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    1220 is doable...I ate about 1200 for a few months. But you need to make sure to choose foods that will keep you full...1200 does not leave much room for junk food...unless you want to be hungry all the time.

    It might help to prioritize protein. Also, fiber can help keep you full, and so can fat.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Black beans and hard boiled egg. Measured to be with about 330 is a regular breakfast or lunch for me.

    I've been blending high potassium foods for a shake some days as well. All measured out to hit about 400-500 calories.

    That leaves me around 400 for dinner, less if I grabbed a snack. I drink a lot of water. If I want more I need to exercise. I try not to eat it all back.
  • 1966spen
    1966spen Posts: 33 Member
    Been on 1150 for 5 months. I'm only 4ft 11. Lost 21 lbs. Feel great. Loads of energy. I eat up to 600 cals breakfast and lunch and up to 550 for dinner. Usually manage a snack every day too. Always try to eat protein with lunch and dinner.
  • pelpelpel
    pelpelpel Posts: 32 Member
    My diary is open x I eat 1200 x I know that if I need a big meal it's gonna be bulked out with lots of veg or salad. I love cottage cheese/ lean meat Greek yogurt and did green smoothies for brekkie ( with added hemp powder for protein). The healthier I eat the easier it is- been doing it for 5 months and don't feel deprived. I try to make sensible choices and eat lower calorie options. I steer clear of bread and wheat products as much as poss. It was harder at the beginning but now I know what to buy and cook it's much easier x x x ps I'm no saint either ( I do have an occasional macdonalds but would have nuggets or small chips and salad :))
  • pelpelpel
    pelpelpel Posts: 32 Member
    Ps I've lost 34 lb in 5 months ( do gym twice a week too) x