I'm having gastric bypass surgery in 2 days!!! Wish me luck!!!

anybody embarking on the same journey as me or have already come out the other side is love to hear from you! Xx


  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Good luck, hope it goes well for you.
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 170 Member
    I had it done 20 years ago, when it was an open procedure. Word of advice. Just know it is a "tool". That's all. You can gain it all back... faster than you think. I was never gonna be "one of them". Well, I was. I gained all but 15 pounds back. However, you CAN lose the weight again. I'm now lighter than I've EVER been in my adult life, including after the WLS. It's not easy, and it's NOT foolproof, but it's a heck of a ride that you're starting. Best of luck to you.
  • laree66
    laree66 Posts: 2 Member
    HI! I had a RNY 8 yrs ago! Lost 170lbs and believe it or not, losing again with exercise, going for an even 180. Best. Decision. Ever. I wish someone had reminded me throughout that -- 1. follow the rules -- it will go so much faster and easier. 2. all things considered, I did it for me, and not following the rules only hurts me and slows down my progress. 3. Dream big, plan big & suck all of the life from your days as you can.

    You can do this, healthy, hang on and enjoy the ride!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited May 2015
    i cant wish you luck.... I think it is a terrible thing you are putting your body through..... can you back out now and give calorie counting and exersize a real try?

    I know you havnt, once upon a time I was in your shoes....I had "tried" every fad diet, low carb, high carb, vegan, nutri system, weight watchers, tons of exercise, extremely low calorie, liquid calorie, starving myself, etc., etc., etc.,

    Finally my Dr recommened the surgery so I went to the seminar. It scarred the *kitten* out of me and iwalked out of there and got real with myself.

    Truth is I was lazy. I never stuck with anything. I would "try" a diet for a few weeks then go straight back to my old ways because I was bored or not seeing results the way I wanted to or thought I should. The reality was I did not give anything a real "try."

    I lost all the weight I needed to on my own without risking my life on the operating table and without living with added complications.

    Do you know most of those surgeries fail over time and people just gain the weight back??? I know seven people who have had it done over the past ten years and six of them are straight back to being obese again. It is the same story over and over again. Get the surgery, go through a few years of their "journey" (as all bariatric patients call it) lose the weight and post their "transformation" pictures, talk about their "new" life styles and how happy the are.

    But slowly over the turn of time the weight comes back because deep down on the inside their knowledge of nutrition did not change and the way they feel on the inside did not change, hence they go right back to their old habits.

    So no I dont wish you luck, I wish you to change your mind and I advise against this dangerous surgery and give calories counting a real solid life changing try.


    ETA: I could have been a little more eloquent in my statement. What I'm thinking is this: This person has already gone through the consultations, heard the success stories AND the failure stories, the side effects, the terrible consequences of not following a nutritious, calorie-controlled diet, done the prep leading up to the surgery, and if she and her doctor(s) still think it's a good idea, it's nobody's place to tell her not to do it, or shame her for making the decision. To do so is rude. Extremely rude.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i cant wish you luck.... I think it is a terrible thing you are putting your body through..... can you back out now and give calorie counting and exersize a real try?

    I know you havnt, once upon a time I was in your shoes....I had "tried" every fad diet, low carb, high carb, vegan, nutri system, weight watchers, tons of exercise, extremely low calorie, liquid calorie, starving myself, etc., etc., etc.,

    Finally my Dr recommened the surgery so I went to the seminar. It scarred the *kitten* out of me and iwalked out of there and got real with myself.

    Truth is I was lazy. I never stuck with anything. I would "try" a diet for a few weeks then go straight back to my old ways because I was bored or not seeing results the way I wanted to or thought I should. The reality was I did not give anything a real "try."

    I lost all the weight I needed to on my own without risking my life on the operating table and without living with added complications.

    Do you know most of those surgeries fail over time and people just gain the weight back??? I know seven people who have had it done over the past ten years and six of them are straight back to being obese again. It is the same story over and over again. Get the surgery, go through a few years of their "journey" (as all bariatric patients call it) lose the weight and post their "transformation" pictures, talk about their "new" life styles and how happy the are.

    But slowly over the turn of time the weight comes back because deep down on the inside their knowledge of nutrition did not change and the way they feel on the inside did not change, hence they go right back to their old habits.

    So no I dont wish you luck, I wish you to change your mind and I advise against this dangerous surgery and give calories counting a real solid life changing try.

    i agree this is rude. we are all on our own journey and are looking for support. she goes in 2 days. seriously. all the best to u. weight loss in any form isn't easy and takes dedication. if someone feels they need the surgery than that is they're decision. good luck!
  • JenM261
    JenM261 Posts: 30 Member
    Good luck!!
  • SierraMarie97
    SierraMarie97 Posts: 6 Member
    You are extremely lucky i have been trying for almost a year now to get into too somebody for a surgery i wish you luck on your future.
  • angela_eva13
    angela_eva13 Posts: 200 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck during and after the surgery. I hope that this step you are taking will give you the fulfilment you need and deserve. I hope that this new chapter in your life brings you joy, peace, and most importantly health. Good luck and all the BEST!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    laree66 wrote: »
    HI! I had a RNY 8 yrs ago! Lost 170lbs and believe it or not, losing again with exercise, going for an even 180. Best. Decision. Ever. I wish someone had reminded me throughout that -- 1. follow the rules -- it will go so much faster and easier. 2. all things considered, I did it for me, and not following the rules only hurts me and slows down my progress. 3. Dream big, plan big & suck all of the life from your days as you can.

    You can do this, healthy, hang on and enjoy the ride!

    Read the bolded part

    I am not being rude Just honest
    but go ahead and ruin your body and digestive system your choice

    But she already knew all of that before she made her decision, so I don't know who you think you're helping by talking down to her.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I am not talking down to her [...]

    Shame on all of you!

    Yup. No talking down here...

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I am not talking down to her just expressing my opinion honestly
    seriously lets be adults here just because I have an opposing opinion does not mean I am being rude or am talking down

    She is gorgeous the way she is and there is still time to back out and lose weight the right way. There is nothing wrong with her other than a few extra lbs we can help her lose the weight without jeaopardizing her health with dangerous surgery and the potential aftermath and side effects that come with it, not to mention the HIGH failure rate after ten plus years.

    Shame on all of you for promoting a dangerous surgery with a high failure rate that drives up our insurance premiums, could damage this gorgeous womans health permamenetly, could fail her over time, and wont teach her a life style change.

    Shame on all of you!

    Dont get the surgery, join us here on MFP for the true journey of a lifetime...... you can do this with out risking your body and health......

    Yes, how about you take your own advice and act like an adult. Telling someone you can't wish them luck because you are 'not fond of VLC and WLS' isn't very adult-like.

    I hate to burst your bubble, but this woman has every right to make the choice to get WLS. It is her body; not yours. You don't get to tell people what to do with their own bodies. You aren't a bariatric surgeon. You don't know the health issues this woman may have. For all you know, if she doesn't get this surgery, she could die in the next 10 years because of the health complications that come along with being morbidly obese.

    OP and her doctor have decided this is the best option for HER. That's all that matters. So if you can't be supportive, butt out.

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Ummmm NO

    Part of coming on the internet and asking for advise is you dont get the luxury of people patting your head and giving you roses

    sometimes you get devils advocates

    welcome to the www.com

    She didn't ask for advice from you. She asked to hear from people who have had WLS. You don't fit that category.
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    I wouldn't do it. I would just workout and eat better. If you have a food addiction you should get help for that first.
  • Anniepi66
    Anniepi66 Posts: 45 Member
    Please don't do it. I will wish you luck, for sure; but I am asking you to please reconsider. It is not too late. I had gone through all the testing and counseling to prepare for the surgery, too. Not bypass, but gastric sleeve. My last visit with the nutritionist/dietitian helped me to make the decision not to do it. I was waffling already, and when I sat for over an hour with her and she went through this book of what I HAD TO DO, the very tiny, tiny amounts of food I would be able to eat and showed me exemplars of those food sizes, that I would be on liquids for two weeks before, for a couple weeks afterwards, then soft foods, then maybe never to eat certain foods again, the things which would make me sick, most likely, I sat there and thought why on earth am I doing this to myself? Why am I having half my stomach cut out to eat so little food? Surely I am strong enough to do this without the surgery. I even cried! I just wanted the weight off. When I first went to the surgeon, it was at the behest of the gastroenterologist because of my fatty liver, which I had to get under control. I have a family history of diabetes, heart attacks, cancer, breast cancer and am knocking on the door of diabetes already. After our meeting, Chelsea took me to the lady so I could go ahead and set up the appointment to have the surgery. I cried again. They both told me it was okay - nobody was going to make me have the surgery if I wasn't ready or if I wanted to think about it more or if I wanted to cancel it altogether. Chelsea and the appointment lady both reminded me the surgery was a tool only, it was not a cure and it was a huge decision. They were kind and understanding. I had also had a very long session with the surgeon early on. He also told me the surgery was a tool, not a cure; it was all up to me to make it work. And I HAD to work at it, it was not going to be easy and there was always the possibility I would gain the weight back if I didn't forever continue to eat tiny amounts of food and to learn not to eat some types of food forever. I didn't make the appointment for the surgery, but did make another appointment with Chelsea the dietitian for January of this year. Another hour meeting of talking food and lifestyle. During December at the last appointment before setting up the surgery, she had given me the MFP app, which I figured it was another dead end for me. Nothing else had ever worked, so why would this IF I decided not to have the surgery? I came home and talked to my husband. I think I had already decided in my own mind not to have the surgery, but I was comforted by the conversation I had with him as we stood in the garage and talked while he was unloading his truck from the deer hunting trip from which he had just returned. He had been supportive of me in wanting to have the surgery, but had already told me he would be happier if I decided not to do it, but he let me make my own decision. Anyway, together we decided I would not do it and that we would work together to get me slim and him slimmer (he's not fat anyway!). So that night I decided that the next morning I would start following MFP and see what happened. Mind you, this was two weeks before Christmas 2014, so my expectations of doing anything meaningful in the way of weight loss were not huge! Started anyway and by Christmas I had actually lost two pounds. Of course, by January 1, I had not lost another ounce. January 1, we both got serious; by my appointment January 15 with Chelsea, he had lost 6 pounds and I had lost 5. I was ecstatic. I am not going to tell you it has been a breeze, I still overeat at times, I still don't exercise as much as I probably should. But for the most part, I have followed MFP, watching calories and losing weight - 35 pounds so far. Something I have never been able to do on my own. Never. Lest you think I am young maybe and have tried only a couple times, no. I am 67 years old and have tried every diet in the book since I was about 25 and have done nothing but gain and lose, gain and lose, on a diet, off a diet, on a diet, off a diet until in November of 2014 I was tipping the scales at 285. I had tried on more than one occasion the calorie counting, but it never worked because it was so much trouble to look up all the foods and the fat content or the sugar content or the sodium content and on and on. But MFP does it for me. And I've had to tweak and learn and add and subtract. And I don't have a lot of MFP friends, but the ones I do have, I'm very thankful for their help and support, which has been invaluable to me. I have found the perfect fit for me. And I don't feel like, for the first time ever, that it is a diet! It is a lifestyle. It is the way I will have to eat forever more, but at least I get to eat. I eat food, real food. I like to eat. And knowing I can eat almost - ALMOST - anything as long as I stay within that calorie count, what a fantastic way to live. I have 65 more pounds to go. If it takes me the rest of the year or it takes me to the end of next year, that's okay. I can do this and I didn't cut out half my stomach and I can eat.
    So please reconsider. I don't know your circumstances, so I am not at all telling you that what has worked for me is going to work for you. But as someone who was going in your direction and decided not to and am so happy and thankful every day that I didn't, please give it some thought - more thought maybe than you have. I know how hard it is. But in the vein of being a good citizen, I am wishing you luck in whatever you finally decide.
  • kathydraperfitness
    kathydraperfitness Posts: 25 Member
    anybody embarking on the same journey as me or have already come out the other side is love to hear from you! Xx

    She asked for comments from those about to have surgery of that have already done it. She did not ask for advice from the people that are uninformed or choose not to use surgery was a weight loss tool.

    Good luck with your procedure - I know it wasn't easy and hoping the journey is the blessing you are looking for. Please update the thread so we know how you are doing. I also sent a MFP friend request.