Just diagnosed diabetic need to lose 150lbs

Luvlyrose Posts: 31 Member
Giving this app another try. You think youre doing alright with your weight then you're told you have diabetes. Heartbreaking and scary. Hope i can communicate with someone where we can help each other commit to a healthy lifestyle.


  • pwikenhauser
    pwikenhauser Posts: 2 Member
    I was just diagnosed as well - in Feb. My doctor and I put a plan in place to lose 20 pounds by June - when I will have another blood test and see how my numbers are. I have lost 17 pounds so far and am feeling energized. But I have been in a slump for the past couple weeks. I need inspiration. My doc put me on Invokana 300mg. It really helps. I've been doing healthy meal planning and walking 2 - 3 times a week. You can do it too. One day - one meal at a time! trishdish
  • Luvlyrose
    Luvlyrose Posts: 31 Member
    :) . Ive only been walking 3 times a week. My doctor didnt explain anything to me. All he said was im giving you pills ... (Metformin500mg) then the nurse gave me a diabetic class referral, which is scheduled till next month. I have no idea what to to cook. My A1c is 9.7. I only know its high because of what ive read online. Im glad youve lost 17lbs! That must be great on your sugar levels! Ive read that just 10lbs makes a difference. I also read that you have to exercise....NOT easy! I started drinking cinnamon tea too. Keep at it !
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi! My husband's also going through the same exact thing. (If you are my husband , then hi! Lol) he has just been diagnosed and prescribed meds and the meter to monitor his blood sugar. It's a rough situation but it can be dealt with. Things like this are never easy but it will get easier in time. Find some friends on here, and communicate with them for support. Get a food scale and weigh everything you consume. It's very important to weigh everything. Eyeballing portions doesn't work. It will take some time but you can do this! :-)
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    My blessings to both of you. I was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 years ago. I have found it is easiest to make small changes a little at a time. Look at your diet and see where changes need to be made. Remember, this is a lifetime lifestyle change, not a "diet" to lose a certain amount of weight. I knew I wasn't getting enough fruits and vegetables so I made a point of adding one serving of fruit and/or vegetables each day, after a week or two I added another. If there are foods you absolutely do not want to give up forever, find a way to fit them into your daily diet in smaller amounts or have them less often. My first husband and I use to go out for pizza once a week. Now my husband and I might order pizza once every month or two and I will only have one slice, maybe two. Make smaller goals, I like the 20 lbs by June, that is my current goal as well. Once I hit that goal I will set another time frame to lose another 10 or 20 lbs. I need to lose another 45-50 pounds to reach my ultimate goal. Once you have met a goal, treat yourself, something non-food related. Get a massage, pedicure, manicure, buy a new article of clothing, whatever interests you. One thing I haven't done and I need to is to add exercise to my plan. I know that will help me not only lose weight faster but will improve my overall health.