Beginner weight lifter looking for some tips



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Machines are good for getting your form proper and lifting heavy without a spotter. Free weights the trick balance with heavy resistance

    You've said this before and I don't understand where you are getting this. How do machines, which have nothing to do with compound lifts, help your form?

    They can help increase strength, which will help with free weights too. There is a reason machine exists, and they are not there only for geriatric patients :) OP is a beginner, she will see gains in strength and muscle with machines only, and probably could continue seeing gains for months if not years, withour touching a barbell. Eventually she will want to try free weights, but if machines are now easier for her or more convenient, why not?
    OP, just try to challenge yourself, with machines too. Do not do 100 reps with the lowest weight if the goal is to get stronger. Aim for resistance that keeps challenging you.

    Because if the OP wants to use free weights at some point, why put it off in order to do something that's "easier" at the end of which she'll still need to learn how to use proper form? Free weights are vastly superior to machines. Sure, machines will do something, but using them is not the way to maximize results in any way whatsoever. It's better to learn how to use free weights immediately.

    Right. I use machines for certain hypertrophy work too. But my response was about what barrplumber said about form. Machines do not help you so much with form on free weights/compound lifts.