What's your journey ?

Well what started all of this was I went to do a check up before I went to Europe. My doctor said your blood pressure has been high. When you come back if it isn't lower than we will put you on a pill. I was like WHOAAA NOOOO. So I said give me a referral to the weight loss surgery. She did. So I had to take classes about nutrition and behaviors it was 13 weeks of class but I did it. So I had the surgery. I lost weight but if I wanted to loose ample amount of weight I had to exercise. So here I am on this journey where I eat less of the things I used to eat. My one addiction is a mocha frappe. The only slip I allow myself to have. However, I work out 4-5 times a week at 45-60 minutes and try to make my hanging out activities more active. Lifestyle changing is no joke.
In a year, I just hope to see myself at 200lbs. That's my goal weight now. But lately I've been talking about being less than that. It's a little scary seeing myself at that weight. Only because I don't recall being those sizes. And people look at me and tell me you're fine where you're at because I apparently look a lot slimmer than what I really am. I'll take those compliments, however? The ultimate goal is to be 200lbs.
Eating healthier, less junk. Working out 4-5 times a week. It's a vigorous effort but I'm really working on it.
But what about you, how did that journey start?
you may not want the world to see your response you can send it in a message I will respond. If not and your feeling audacious put it up here and I will respond.
What's your journey?


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Mines fairly simple!

    From about 12ish to 17 I got very fat! Went from fairly skinny to about 240lb.

    My friend who started about the same weight was going to the gym for over a year and leaned out a lot, he got me into weight training and I've loved it ever since. I dropped about 50lb but didn't like how I looked, I was somewhere between skinny fat and fat built.

    Around April last year my friend stopped training with me, I had just started bulking and I didn't have a strong enough mentality to lean bulk, ended up dirty bulking while training less and less then just ended up going back up to about 235lb by October. From there to early April I got to slightly above 16 stone and now I'm hovering at just above 15, working towards sub 14 stone in the next few months!
  • ChinaLove23
    ChinaLove23 Posts: 46 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Mines fairly simple!

    From about 12ish to 17 I got very fat! Went from fairly skinny to about 240lb.

    My friend who started about the same weight was going to the gym for over a year and leaned out a lot, he got me into weight training and I've loved it ever since. I dropped about 50lb but didn't like how I looked, I was somewhere between skinny fat and fat built.

    Around April last year my friend stopped training with me, I had just started bulking and I didn't have a strong enough mentality to lean bulk, ended up dirty bulking while training less and less then just ended up going back up to about 235lb by October. From there to early April I got to slightly above 16 stone and now I'm hovering at just above 15, working towards sub 14 stone in the next few months!

    “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” ~Mark Victor Hansen

    I'm glad the timing is right for you. I do hope that you can get to your goal weight. I'm sure you will only want to push harder. I hope that you add me so I can keep up with your progress. Good luck to you. And did you have reasons why you got so big during high school ? Or was it just typical teenage years.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    I did kickboxing for a year I lost about 10 lbs, which was great since I ate junk all thr time and really was doing it more for fun than for weight loss. Then i did jillian michaels dvds with a clean diet for about 4 months and lost 20ish lbs. Then i started restricting calories a lot and ate very clean for a year. I got down to my ideal weight, but i was skinny fat, so I started to go to the gym. I maintained my ideal size for another year. Then I started partying on avg 4 nights/week #collegelife and gained 10 lbs this past year. I've been partying less and working out 6 days a week this past month and have lost 4 lbs so far!