Help - 1200 is tough, but I'm not really losing much weight!



  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    ghealai wrote: »
    "GreenIceFloes", thanks again for the input. I am aware of the maths. Thats kind of my point though - as far as I can see there is no good reason why I wouldnt be in sufficient deficit to be losing closer to a kilo a week. My estimate of my TDEE is between 1799 and 2145 depending on ones definition of 'active'. Perhaps I shouldn't be counting any activity that would be included in my 'normal' routine, as the TDEE calcs are already assuming a certain level of activity.

    True, only deliberate exercise calories should be counted. 'Normal' routine should be set in activity level only.
  • ghealai
    ghealai Posts: 9 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    OP, it's been 1 week and you did lose weight, I'm not seeing the problem.
    After 1 week you've already tried to make adjustments to your intake which isn't necessary. You need more patience.

    Listen to this though - because that right there, the part I bolded, is the only thing missing from your weight loss :wink:

    Well, its been 6 weeks today not a week. But I take your point, thanks :)
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I am on 1200 and I started off with plateau of almost two weeks where nothing seemed to be happening. These last few weeks it has been melting off me. I discovered that in my case, the things that I was not measuring correctly were probably the problem as things came right as soon as I got a digital scale and measured everything that went in my mouth including all salad and veggies. Even cucumber and thin slices of chicken add up quickly on 1200. There are days where I have to skip a cup of coffee during the day (and I don't take sugar) to avoid it pushing me over the top - that is water, 30mls of milk and a spoonful of nescafe! Count it all, see where you actually stand.

    I am of the "the stuff you eat and when you eat it doesn't matter" school of thought, as some days I eat a whole lot of crap (I had condensed milk for dinner last night) and still stay under calories, this has never impacted my weight loss, but on some days, too many carbs and junk does leave me feeling hungrier. I find that for me personally, more protein leads to more saiety, but I often ignore that to satisfy cravings. Hunger sucks, but it is not going to kill you. It really is not that bad to go to bed hungry once in a while. I no longer fear it, I actually feel smug about it. I like that a small feeling of discomfort no longer makes me lunge for the fridge. That feels like progress.

    Don't fall for the "eat more to lose more" rubbish. That simply is not true. If you really must eat more, be ready to be satisfied with even slower weight loss.
  • ghealai
    ghealai Posts: 9 Member

    True, only deliberate exercise calories should be counted. 'Normal' routine should be set in activity level only.

    Agreed. Its tricky to know what to count then I guess. Like the cycle to work - in or out? It is exercise, thats partly why I do it, then again I do it regularly... ahh decisions decisions!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ghealai wrote: »

    True, only deliberate exercise calories should be counted. 'Normal' routine should be set in activity level only.

    Agreed. Its tricky to know what to count then I guess. Like the cycle to work - in or out? It is exercise, thats partly why I do it, then again I do it regularly... ahh decisions decisions!

    Personally I'm set to sedentary and track my 'activity level' with my fitbit (simple Zip style, I don't agree with the HRMs ones and think they're just a marketing dream) .. I have negative calories enabled so I don't really care about my setting .. if I was guessing I'd probably put it around / just under active

    I then track purposeful exercise with my HRM and overwrite the fitbit activity tracking

    but the only way to be certain is judge your progress against your targets / data across 6-8 weeks, and adjust accordingly .. then do it again .. it's all estimates and what counts is what's happening in your body
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    ghealai wrote: »

    True, only deliberate exercise calories should be counted. 'Normal' routine should be set in activity level only.

    Agreed. Its tricky to know what to count then I guess. Like the cycle to work - in or out? It is exercise, thats partly why I do it, then again I do it regularly... ahh decisions decisions!

    I know what you mean. I've been at it for over a year and I still get confused sometimes. :lol: The easiest way for me is to keep 'sedentary' as my activity level and just log everything (that counts) as exercise.
  • hipeeps3010
    hipeeps3010 Posts: 46 Member
    Well am 16.7 I was 31 stone about 4 years ago am now can't move my weight at all am only having 1100 cal a day and all I eat is 2 pieces toest with little paenut butter on then I have 2 chicken breast lettuce 2 cattorts some beetroot watercress half a bag and I do 20min boxing bag every morning 5sets off bend over rows then 5sets off dumb bells then 5sets of pulling bar two chin lol sorry don't know the name then every over day I do 50push ups and 5set of 8 pull ups but there the ones were you hold and go down slow to till I can do them and the app says it won't upload my cal count as it to low but to me I look like an getting fatter arrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Well am 16.7 I was 31 stone about 4 years ago am now can't move my weight at all am only having 1100 cal a day and all I eat is 2 pieces toest with little paenut butter on then I have 2 chicken breast lettuce 2 cattorts some beetroot watercress half a bag and I do 20min boxing bag every morning 5sets off bend over rows then 5sets off dumb bells then 5sets of pulling bar two chin lol sorry don't know the name then every over day I do 50push ups and 5set of 8 pull ups but there the ones were you hold and go down slow to till I can do them and the app says it won't upload my cal count as it to low but to me I look like an getting fatter arrrrrrrrrrrrr

    have you been on a calorie defecit at 1100 calories a day for 4 years?
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    schrinerdc wrote: »
    Never ever ever ever skip breakfast. Eating in the morning will help boost your metabolism.

    Wrong. I hardly ever eat breakfast, not more than coffee.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ghealai wrote: »
    Even though I seem to be hitting the 1200+/- and am still exercising regularly, I've only lost about 0.35kg a week.

    Read the Sexypants post. So much good "how-to" information:

    The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works. A healthy, sustainable loss is .5 lb. (.25kg) per week for every 25 lbs. (10kg) you're overweight.
  • petitexfox
    petitexfox Posts: 1 Member
    I eat less than 500 a day
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    petitexfox wrote: »
    I eat less than 500 a day

    Are you a hamster?
    If not, I suggest bumping it up a bit.
  • ermanilabiol
    ermanilabiol Posts: 87 Member
    I also find it quite difficult to maintain the 1200 calories/ day even if I am quite small. I feel deprived :/
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    No one should follow any advice given by the person saying they eat less than 500 calories a day

    Flag it as abuse, and the moderators will take it down.

    I'll repeat what I said on page 1: Read the Sexypants post for good "how-to" advice: