Trying to Find a Realistic Weight for me



  • ashleystack39
    ashleystack39 Posts: 5 Member
    I started out at 243lbs and had an original goal set of 175, when I got to 175 I decided I wanted to be 150. Once I got in the 160's people literally noticed every 2lbs that I lost and kept saying omg are you really still trying to lose more weight? I got to 160 and it finally sunk in that I was happy where I was. I'm 5'9 so I've always carried my weight well, unfortunately I got off track for a whole year and gained 35lbs back! I'm desperately trying to get it back off now! Good luck to you! When you get to where you want to be, you'll know ;)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    140 is way to thin for me! I would say 160-165
  • Sectility
    Sectility Posts: 37
    Nobody really is "big-boned". Your body will start shaping nicely as you lose weight.

    When I thought I was big boned, and when other people did, they were amazed at how slim I actually was when I lost weight. The truth is that I only have "buff" shoulders. Nothing more.

    Anyways, as you lose more weight, you'll desire to lose even more than you had thought would be good. When I was at 152 pounds, my goal was 130. Then it became 120, 100, 106 and now it's 95. For my height (4'11"), I'd have a BMI of 19.2, which isn't underweight and is still in the healthy weight range, compared to some people you see in magazines, on-screen, etc, I'm more healthy than them.

    Right now, it's good that you want to lose weight. It all really matters on what you want to look like. If you want to be slim (healthy), try aiming for a BMI of 18.5 to 20/21 (120-136 lbs). If you want to be fit (healthy), aim for 21 to 24.9 (136-161.5 lbs). If you want to lose half of the weight that you want to/have to lose to be in the healthy category, you could be in the overweight category (25-29.9 BMI). Those weights range from 162 to 194 lbs.

    Again, it's your choice. Also, BMI isn't that great of a way of seeing how fit you are, BFP (Body Fat Percentage) is. A healthy range is from 14-24%. Acceptable is 25-31% and obese is anything over 32%

    Good luck.
  • mile626
    mile626 Posts: 29
    I'd suggest hitting your first goal of 160. Once you lose that amount of weight you are going to feel fantastic and have a lot more energy.

    At that point re-evaluate based on how comfortable you are with how you look and how you feel. At that point you may want to forget the scale altogether and focus on your body fat percentage, or you may want to improve your sports performance...

    At this point it's hard to say what you will want when you hit that first goal.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I personally am right about where you are at but I am not focusing on my weight as much as my size. I keep setting mini goals. My first goal was simply to be able to buy an outfit at a regular store. I started at 315 and was a size 26. When I was able to go to a regular store and buy a regular outfit I was a size 20 and when I accomplished that goal I bought myself a pair of size 18 pants and wanted to fit into them before my birthday. I am still a month away from my birthday and they fit! So my new goal is to be into a size 16 before my anniversary in late august. I just keep going step by step and I will decide to stop and maintain when I FEEL that I look good not when anyone else thinks so or if I'm in the right spot on a chart. It needs to be where I am comfortable. Sorry I went on a bit of a rant but this is something I feel very strongly about. And so far I have gone from a size 26 to an 18 and am down 55 pounds.

    That is fabulous!!! I know exactly how great that feels. Congratulations!!!
  • peniculala
    peniculala Posts: 81 Member
    I'm also 5'7" and large boned. My goal is 150. I've made it to about 160 before and still felt like I had weight to lose. So, I'm aiming for 150 and planning to adjust from there. I remember seeing this before:

    While it doesn't exactly answer your question, it helps you realize that weight means different things to different people.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I'm also 5'7" and large boned. My goal is 150. I've made it to about 160 before and still felt like I had weight to lose. So, I'm aiming for 150 and planning to adjust from there. I remember seeing this before:

    While it doesn't exactly answer your question, it helps you realize that weight means different things to different people.

    That is an interesting link. Definitely shows how different people are. The one lady who is my height (5'8) and 150 is a size 12. I was a 12 at 185 pounds.