Road to a Flat Tummy

Hello everybody, I am Amanda Jo. In the last six months or so I have been very dedicated to losing weight, eating right, and getting the body I want! When I started measuring I weighed 182 pounds and with my latest weigh-in I was at 128 pounds. I have hit a brick wall. I am proud of my weight loss, my diet is at a good control, and everything is getting where it need to be, however, my stomach is taking the longest out of everything else to shrink up. This last week I have been sick and haven't been able to work out. It has really effected me and I feel as though I have put a few pounds back on. I'm not letting it bother me, but I need help.
Is there anything that I could do to help get the flat tummy I am work for? And, is there any advice you all have for how I can stop myself from binging on the bad foods? Just in general, any advice would be great! Thank you all :)


  • vgeddam
    vgeddam Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amanda, what you have achieved is really awesome!
    I am sure you are aware of this.. But it's good to go thru it again.
    Toned body = eating right 60% + exercise 40%
    Eating right for energy & building lean muscle
    1. Protein ( 30 %)
    2. Carbs ( 40%)
    3. Fat ( 25 %)
    eating lean protein really helps.

    Stick with lean protein - poultry and dairy products
    Lentils, vegetable and fruit, and whole grains
    (I have realised that if I ever felt like eating, just reaching out to the above made all the difference)

    No sugary drinks including packaged fruit drinks and eliminate snaking on bakery products

    On exercise:
    Resistance training plus cardio.

    Losing weight on the stomach is a long process of reducing carbs and strengthens core exercise

    I am avid learner too... Happy to share what I learnt along the way.

    Let me know if you want any specifics

    Best of luck


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    vgeddam wrote: »
    No sugary drinks including packaged fruit drinks and eliminate snaking on bakery products

    Losing weight on the stomach is a long process of reducing carbs and strengthens core exercise

    These are incorrect. Carbs, sugary drinks, and baked goods don't keep you from losing belly fat.