nobbly elbow

ok, apologies for the silly title, but didn't know how else to describe it

so been lifting for about a month, and today noticed a large bump on both of my elbows?
no pain or soreness or anything, and pretty sure its bone,

any idea's on what it could be? hoping its normal

definitely was not there before, had these elbows for 33 years and never noticed it before today, but honestly its like 2 marbles have just appeared there?



  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    There are multiple causes. If they are painful, it can be gout or rheumatoid arthritis. If they are not painful, it could be a build up of calcium. Also, adenomas are fatty, non-cancerous tumors that can cause random bumps but they are usually softer. If they are not painful, there is not too much of a worry but if they keep getting bigger you may want to get them checked out.
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    I meant to say lipomas not adenomas. Sorry.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    My fiancee gets similar bumps on his scalp. They're like little non-cancerous tumors and they grow arbitrarily and they don't go away unless they're surgically removed. They're hard like bone and not painful, just kind of funny feeling when he rubs his hands through his hair. But when you push them, they shift around a little bit, like there's a flat-bottomed marble under the skin.

    That being said, I'm not a DR and I can't say that's what you have, but it sounds really similar. If they aren't painful, I'd just leave them alone and keep my eye on them. But if they cause you any discomfort, physical or otherwise, see a doctor. It'd be worth it to put your mind at ease. :)

    Good luck! :)
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    thanks both
    no they don't hurt at all, actually would not have noticed them if i did not spot it in the mirror,

    just freaked me out little,
    but yes, will keep an eye on it now i noticed, trying to google similar but cant match it, and definitely will get it checked out if they get continue to get larger,