Diabetic trying to tone up

Hi, I'm a T1 diabetic guy who has recently been on a diet and lost 2.5 stone in 2 months. I'm now a healthy weight (166lbs) but am looking to gain some muscle and tone up. Can anybody please recommend the sort of exercises I should be doing and the foods I should be eating? Thank you :)


  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited May 2015
    It might be a good idea to talk to your endo or CDE and see how you should approach adjusting your insulin dosages in regards to exercise. I've noticed that my BG tends to spike up whenever I do any sort of high-intensity short-duration exercise like strength training, while my BG tends to drop super low if I do lower-intensity but longer-duration exercises. From what I remember in Think Like a Pancreas from Gary Scheiner, spikes associated with high-intensity exercise can be prevented by taking a correction bolus equal to about half of what you need to correct your average post-exercise spike (better to be conservative and minimize hypo risks) or using an increased temp basal on your pump.

    Otherwise, I'm super clueless on strength training and gaining muscle. I've been too afraid to start my own routine until I get my insulin dosages completely figured out and a plan in place on how I approach modifying my dosages for exercise.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Anything except for maybe barefoot running. Find what you like and stick with it.