What do you do!?

Hey all you 'Fitters', looking for lots of people to add and new friend to make!
I do a lot of Kickboxing, MMA, Cross fit, weights, generally very active all the time.
Who's out there and what do you do!?
Im from the UK by the way! :smile:


  • CrazyTurnip
    CrazyTurnip Posts: 48 Member
    I stare into space wishing the end of the day would come soon so I can go home, bank holiday woo!! I'm from the UK too :)
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    Bank holiday WHOOP indeed!!
    So u wish to get home to train or just to get home??
  • CrazyTurnip
    CrazyTurnip Posts: 48 Member
    Just to get home I'm unfortunately not one of the "fitters" but working on it lol
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    Keep at it and you'll get there!!
    We all wanna get home!! :smile:
  • cjhst17
    cjhst17 Posts: 1 Member
    I love Crossfit and running.
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    cross fit is great fun!!
    Need to run more as I only do 5k once are twice a week and have entered Tough mudder ins Sept (Gulp)