Saying hi...again

anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
Hi there. I started MFP a few months ago but fell off the wagon with a major surgery and then a move to Germany. Now I'm all settled in my new home and am ready to re-start my journey to health. I'd love to connect with people looking for motivation and/or needing motivation.


  • acevaz
    acevaz Posts: 2
    Hi !

    I had lost 10lbs but sprained my ankle very badly and now have gained back those 10lbs. Now I have to lose a total of 25 lb instead of 15lb. Also, big motivator is my mom. She is now thinner than me!!!! Never thought I would be heavier than Mom but that is about to change. :smile:
  • picture
    picture Posts: 1
    Hi there I joined mfm 2 months ago, and im enjoying it so far. :smile:

    from picture
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Back in February, I ran a 5k with my son and gave myself a case of plantar fascitis that had it painful for me to walk for months! I still have some heel trouble on that foot even now. Injuries can really derail the weight loss effort!
  • JoannieJenkins
    JoannieJenkins Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Amy... Welcome back!! The good thing is YOU'RE BACK!! Everyone has issues in their lives that disrupts their goals, the important thing is to not lose track of them and to keep striving toward them. I know you'll do great this time. Keep me posted on your progress. I still have 60 pounds to go so I'll be around for a little bit! hehehee Good luck!