Coffee Help :(

I am a coffee addict! I am really really really trying to cut down on my sugar intake and this is the one thing that I have not being able tO get rid of! And the worst part is I love my black coffee super sweet!!
If I don't have my coffee I get so aggravated... :( i don't know what to do to get rid of this addiction!
Any suggestions?!


  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Splenda? Stevia?
  • Diondk
    Diondk Posts: 159 Member
    i went from 8 coffee a day to only 2 a day, and replaced the rest with water. Its hard the first week but afterwards you will be fine!

    Just bring it down slowly. or start drinking all black without sugar.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. I use splenda only, no creamer. Another option if you don't like splenda or stevia would be to try some of the flavored coffees. There are some really good ones out there.
  • launica20132013
    launica20132013 Posts: 21 Member
    I am a coffee addict! I am really really really trying to cut down on my sugar intake and this is the one thing that I have not being able tO get rid of! And the worst part is I love my black coffee super sweet!!
    If I don't have my coffee I get so aggravated... :( i don't know what to do to get rid of this addiction!
    Any suggestions?!
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    Splenda? Stevia?

    I don't like it.. It has a weird taste
  • launica20132013
    launica20132013 Posts: 21 Member
    I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. I use splenda only, no creamer. Another option if you don't like splenda or stevia would be to try some of the flavored coffees. There are some really good ones out there.

    Will look into those flavored coffees thank you!
  • launica20132013
    launica20132013 Posts: 21 Member
    Diondk wrote: »
    i went from 8 coffee a day to only 2 a day, and replaced the rest with water. Its hard the first week but afterwards you will be fine!

    Just bring it down slowly. or start drinking all black without sugar.

    I only drink 2 cups a day.. But my issue is.. The sugar I put into it! It has to stop for real.. And I tried black coffee with no sugar.. And did not like it.. At all!
  • jediguitarist
    jediguitarist Posts: 73 Member
    Diondk wrote: »
    i went from 8 coffee a day to only 2 a day, and replaced the rest with water. Its hard the first week but afterwards you will be fine!

    Just bring it down slowly. or start drinking all black without sugar.

    I did something similar to this. I was at least 8 cups a day. They were rarely full cups because once I was able to gulp the coffee, it was what I considered too cold and I would pour out about 1/3 cup each time. This would happen in about 5-6 sips. For me, coffee is meant to be sipped and not chugged... Lol.

    For Christmas, someone had gotten me a really good 16oz insulated travel mug that kept coffee HOT for close to 4 hours. This allowed me to sip coffee until it was empty and not waste any of it. Sometimes it would take me a few hours to finish. Now, I drink only one full travel mug throughout the morning/afternoon and maybe one during late afternoon/night. Works out to about half of what I was drinking before.
  • launica20132013
    launica20132013 Posts: 21 Member
    Diondk wrote: »
    i went from 8 coffee a day to only 2 a day, and replaced the rest with water. Its hard the first week but afterwards you will be fine!

    Just bring it down slowly. or start drinking all black without sugar.

    I did something similar to this. I was at least 8 cups a day. They were rarely full cups because once I was able to gulp the coffee, it was what I considered too cold and I would pour out about 1/3 cup each time. This would happen in about 5-6 sips. For me, coffee is meant to be sipped and not chugged... Lol.

    For Christmas, someone had gotten me a really good 16oz insulated travel mug that kept coffee HOT for close to 4 hours. This allowed me to sip coffee until it was empty and not waste any of it. Sometimes it would take me a few hours to finish. Now, I drink only one full travel mug throughout the morning/afternoon and maybe one during late afternoon/night. Works out to about half of what I was drinking before.

    Wow. That's great!
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    I'm working on replacing coffee with decaff atm, just cutting it out doesnt work for me, might be worth a try. Seems to take away the craving for the taste of coffee at least.

    Trying to swap out 4 of the 16+ (dont judge! I have a slight coffee problem) mugs I drink by making a pot with decaff beans at lunch instead of the usual strong caffinetted.

    Kinda weaning myself off caffine bit by bit. Next week gonna up it too 8 decaff 8 caffinetted and the instants gonna stay caffinetted. Then the week after that 12 decaff etc. (I'll never quit coffee though!)
  • sazziek
    sazziek Posts: 57 Member

    i have a sugar free creamer...orrrrr try using truvia/stevia?
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I use sweet n low, but if you want to cut back on coffee (and the sugar you put in it) you can also change the size cup you use. I like 2 cups of coffee in the morning, but I was using a 20oz travel mug. I just switched to a 10oz mug and cut my coffee intake in half. I don't even notice the change. Just that I'm getting my 2 cups in.
  • Karen_DisneyFan
    Karen_DisneyFan Posts: 130 Member
    How much sugar is in your super sweet coffee? Sugar is only 15 calories for 1 teaspoon... I have a huge (20 ounce) mug of tea every morning with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Only 30 calories and I just make sure to log it in my day. If you are really putting a ton of sugar in your coffee, try cutting back a teaspoon at a time over a few days or weeks until you get down to only 1 or 2 teaspoons per cup. Good luck!!
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 170 Member
    Try replacing 1/2 your sugar with Stevia (I love Better Stevia from and gradually! replace the rest over a few weeks time. Weaning off the sugar habit may work better than a cold-turkey approach. Good luck!
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Have you tried slowly cutting back the amount of sugar? If you use 3 packets of sugar, then maybe use 2 + one splenda/stevia (so hopefully the sugar will mask the stevia/splenda taste you don't like). Then cut it down slowly that way? Hard to go from loads of sugar to no sugar.
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    JohnnyMoo dot com has drops for coffee (like Mio) that are zero calorie. Check those out.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Sweet n low or xylitol? Or, like someone else suggested, pick the one you hate the least, and do half sugar/half artificial until you can cut it more. A little sugar won't kill you:)
  • MenonWaves
    MenonWaves Posts: 8 Member
    First of all, I feel your pain. I have to have my coffee. Started when I worked in morning radio. I also have ADD and all of the prescription meds are too strong for me, but coffee is perfect. That being said, I use the Torani sugar-free syrups, and then a little fat free creamer. But one thought is - have you considered getting down to one cup and just splurging on making it a really good cup of coffee? Seems like if you have cut processed sugars out of the rest of your diet a teaspoon or two wouldn't be that bad. Of course, this is a moot point if you can't have it for health reasons, but to me, it's all in moderation.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    ^^^Yes, the Torani sugar free syrups are good, Hazelnut is my favorite. Target has some too, Archer Farms, and they put out holiday flavors, like pumpkin spice, occasionally.
  • aprayer
    aprayer Posts: 6 Member
    I took control of my coffee addiction by weaning slowly. Buy yourself a can of decaf, then slowly add it to your regular coffee. This helps to avoid the withdrawal headaches, which can be painful if you were to quit suddenly. I still enjoy my coffee but its only 2 cups per day now. Flavored coffees may take your mind off the fact it is decaf and lack of sugar.
    I went from 4 pots of coffee per day to two cups
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited May 2015
    It is likely the harsh, acrid bitterness you dislike rather than a preference for adding a ton of sugar. Bad coffee tastes bad to anyone, regardless of how developed or immature their palate is.

    The trick is knowing how to brew good coffee...

    Get yourself a budget French Press (Bodum brand) and a Burr Grinder (Capresso brand) from Amazon. Also, buy good quality WHOLE BEAN dark roast coffee. Some decent easy to find brands in the supermarket are Starbucks Sumatra or Verona or Pete's Reserve Guatemala or Kona. I'm currently buying my coffee here:

    Grind it fresh on the right setting. Use enough coffee (more than you think is needed). Let the fresh ground coffee steep in 200-205 F water for 4 minutes and then pour. Drink it black... maybe 1 or 2 Splendas per 16 oz. You will not go back to pre-ground, traditional pot brewed coffee again, and you probably won't even need to balance out the mild bitterness with any sugar.