When to change you calorie intake

So question. I have been dieting off and on forever. I have hypothyroidism but not sure if that is the cause or not but for as long as I can remember when I diet I always lose one week and gain the next. We aren't talking a pound or two we are talking 5-7 pds my off week but then I lose everything the following week and usually an extra pound from my following week. This has been my demise in the past because it is frustrating to follow my plan and still gain. So to get to my question. My Dr says this is a water shift so if that is true do I put it in to my weight record so that calorie intake will go up or do I just record every two weeks on my loss weeks and keep it at the same level? I am worried that up my calories will cause me to have even more set backs. Any one have any suggestions?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It is perfectly fine to do your weigh ins every two weeks. Some people prefer daily, some monthly, some in between. Do what works for you.
  • Harlequin1983
    Harlequin1983 Posts: 30 Member
    Your body can fluctuate at least 4 lbs a day. If you dont workout "hard" then i would stick to 1200-1550 cals a day. If you train hard, or do heavy lifting, you will have to up your calorie intake. Muscles will burn calories for 3 hours, as cardio only burns for 30 mins. I have lost 62 lbs and have had to increase my calorie limit to 1550-1900 due to my body burning calories so much. Your metabolism will pick up, and you need calories to burn calories. If youre hungry, eat!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    When you are carrying extra water weight, you burn more calories. Imagine carrying a gallon of water are all day.